20/20 the Year of the splits;
20/20 was also the Year of ClearVision = 20/20
– some of us knew the plot. And a year has gone by according to “the Plan”. Most were con-fused by the tricksters. Conned! HOAXed. Scammed. Lost. Fallen.

Q = the Quest. The Questioning.
A = Answer

The Truth will set you free. And the Answer ..is.. love.

2020 was when the “red pills” were hidden into the spider webs of Psy Ops. 2020 EVERYTHING was Psy Ops and pseudoscience aka “Business as usual..”

2021 is where millions will swollow the red pills and blend in the mixers. But.. more than ever people will learn to navigate into decernment. And the #1 priority is to break free from any and all hypnosis. The old Matrix is the “slumber” ..a slumber.. from scriptures; religions, be-lie-fs. Modern day slumbers are created through media: social media, News and peers proclamating like members of a cult “a truth” they got lost in.

Learn the codes. Learn the programmings. BREAK FREE from any and all hypnosis. #LiveFree #iwikimi and.. #EMFdetox

START @ 18 min.:
(the video is set to jump to that point)
– take Your time to listen for approx. 10 minutes. Well worth it.

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