Feb. 2020 I said;
” Follow the money.. “
but also to review the preorders on COVID-19 testkits which we had downloaded the proof (databases!) and the patents. The “COVID-19” evidently was a P(l)andemic.
(Everything was set up in 2017. So it was no “sudden deaths” with origins from a Chinese food market and bats (aka a “natural source”). Yes, there were bats in the Wuhan P4 lab where they weaponized – at least tried to – a so called Corona virus. And no; the origins were never “natural” and yes; Anthony Fauci is a mengele 2.0 and all the details have been available for a long time.)
“ the jab Execs are now in the Billionaire Club ”
and CDC Anthony Fauci a millionaire thanks to royalties from v4ccine corps. How on Earth is the mainstream News NOT reporting on this? “Legal” corruption. A proof of the parasitic elite con trolling the mainstream narrative. If there was reliable journalism they would expose conflicts of interest. But they don’t.
and CDC Anthony Fauci a millionaire thanks to royalties from v4ccine corps. How on Earth is the mainstream News NOT reporting on this? “Legal” corruption. A proof of the parasitic elite con trolling the mainstream narrative. If there was reliable journalism they would expose conflicts of interest. But they don’t.
EDITORS’ PICK|Jul 28, 2021,01:48pm EDT|23 155 views
Pfizer Expects $33.5 Billion In Vaccine Revenue In 2021
Pfizer Expects $33.5 Billion In Vaccine Revenue In 2021
1st of April 2020 I said.. it has NOTHING to do with a “vir_s”
– why?
it has all to do with the ” New World Order “
which is divide & conquer + ” harvesting ” the sheeples.
But the End Game aka the Final Solution is a combo of depopulation (getting rid of the weak + meek) and upgrading the sheeples into humanity 2.0 or like WEF Klaus *Anal* Schwab declare it:
” to merge man with machine “
This machine is what I have been publishing WARNINGS about for years;
the ” 5G ” a.i. cyBORG IoT VR/AR Matrix
The jab is to make humans into living modems (devices of the Internet of Things = Matrix). But as *They* that we shall not speak of intend to keep humans disconnected from our origins; the Source and our Creation that is part of this agenda as well. Humans has not been able to kno´ thy´ Self nor do they kno´ thy enemy. The do not know their self because they do not know that the enemy has been able to keep humans from Ascending into knowing.
That is what I have recommended for YEARS that people learn how to kno´ thy´ Self which if they had they would know what I mean with my writings and would NEVER EVER fall into the trap on injecting themselves with the connectivity to the Matrix.
The “COVID-19” evidently was a P(l)andemic and one needs to be special kind of stupid not to have done the research as private persons and instead inject oneself out of plain and simple ignorance. People in other words put their lives in the hands of modern day Mengeles. Mengele 2.0 and the world is ruled, by all means, by a global parasitic evil elite and *They* are in control of what I call the nazicommunism 2.0. It’s a fusion of all the darkest elements of human “kind”. Well hidden and polished by an extreme concensus by highly professional agencies: the Troijan horse. It’s the Final Solution. End Times. When I wrote that the C0Vert-1984 is to connect all living to the “Matrix” this in practice means that *They* want to recreate EVERYTHING in their own image and thus claim the title of Gods. They are in God Mode and they are supported by the “Prince of this world” and for a reason *They* are called fallen ones.. luciferiancs.. satanists.. the Devil’s advocates.. puppets.. anti-christ etc. And the jab is the precursor to the Mark of the Beast and we – seemingly – live prophetic times: End Times. And the meek shall inherit the Earth.
..but as of now.. few in numbers.

When I wrote that the C0Vert-1984 is to connect all living to the “Matrix” I mean organic life. The consciousness will however be hijacked so that people will NOT be able to kno´ OneSelf nor Ascend. The jab is a fatal mistake and is connecting people to decay, death and the demise of the Life force – and the transhumanists evolution is through 50 shades of grey into darkness. So it’s kind of “funny” that so many gurus, yogies and priests embrace theDarkSide and promotes the jab. It merely expose their nature. Where *They* stand and what they unite with.
As the “living” as in actually having a conscious Life will end as people get connected to the Matrix I call it the Zombie Apocalypse. Those who are still alive will be tracked down and attacked by these zombies. So; the C0Vert-1984 operations is actually the third world war (WW3) but it’s not amongst people but against humanity. It’s a war on humanity. And it’s truelly the fallen ones; the Dark Side of humanity that is uniting against those who rebelled against the “Ruler(-s) of this World”. Those who are conscious and able to connect to their hearts with is our connection to ourSelves will know all this and know it to be true as they read it. So if you do not feel and sense this to be true you will probably not know how to navigate coming times.
as I’ve written for years – basically since 2016 as I wrote my first survival guide to the public:
Winter is Coming / GoT
because the WW3/Z is a war Game
and all fractions of the DarkSide – psycos – are playing the Game
– and you’re in it whether you want it or not and so it has been through Ages.
and all fractions of the DarkSide – psycos – are playing the Game
– and you’re in it whether you want it or not and so it has been through Ages.