
It is also useful to understand that significant
levels of vitamin D can be produced from
sun exposure during non-winter months.
Approximately 10,000 to 25,000 IUs of
vitamin D3 can be produced in a short time in
the sun with full-body exposure, so it should
be obvious that your body can easily handle
high doses of vitamin D.

no studies had reported
adverse effects of supplementation with less
than 10,000 IU/day of vitamin D

those who do
not take supplemental magnesium need, on
average, 146% more vitamin D to achieve
a blood level of 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L),
compared to those who take at least 400 mg
of magnesium per day.

The dose of magnesium should be around
500 mg/day, but more if you don’t have the
loose stools that can occur with higher-dose
magnesium supplementation. If you have
kidney damage, discuss the dose with
your physician.
Take at least 500 mg of
magnesium with your vitamin D

One can also take 150 to 200 mcg of vitamin
K2 per day, as it works synergistically with
vitamin D. This will help drive the calcium
that vitamin D helps increase in your blood,
and drive it into your bones to build healthier
bones.37 The only concern is that if you are on
Coumadin, you have to discuss vitamin K2
with your physician as it will interfere
with Coumadin

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