anno 28th of Jan. 2021:

“if..” there’s a virus called SARS-C0V-2 you probably realize that almost 10% of the population in USA is infected according to the data tracker on CSSE JHU.

in practical terms that means that there´s nothing stopping the spread. Thus: save/protect the weak. In USA soon the majority of people are classified weak due to mental and physical break down of the whole population. The money and means should be focused on the weak and not “the general population”. The general population need to keep their immune system strong and running and obviously ..the whole country.. all states. The same principles should be adhered to world wide.

There is really no indications that any of the vaccines would actually neutralize the virus and as far as I know it at best just “eliminates” flu like symptoms. But what we do know is that the vaccine is for completely and fully other intentions than fending off a “virus”. That we know is not true in any case in the equation. The vaccine is all about the transhumanism agenda. I do not in any form or shape question my claim and my intentions are to give a full disclosure on the C0Vert-1984 hoax and what I call..

” 5G ” a.i. IoT VR/AR Matrix


start here: is the “Corona” a man made bioweapon?
Dr. David Martin discusses the irrefutable paper trail that shows C0R0NAVlRUS was manipulated by DARPA, the NIH and Chinese Labs. Nothing in this report is “theory”, it is all documented fact:


how far back was it initiated?
– list of orders made in 2017 on a global scale:


Was the “Pandemic 1” created by spreading the virus? 

CDC test kits contaminated?
Washington Post issue:

Was the “calm before the storm” aka summer of 2020 allowed so that people socialize in order to initiate “the 2nd wave”?

Will the vaccine spread the virus?


How do we know what is caused by SARS-CoV-2 (“COVID-19”) and what is.. something else?

Andrew Kaufman #1:




a religious war

An aspect I have been following in this WorldWar3/Z (Z = zombie = apathy) is the religions. In Finland, my birth country, the old “State” church; Ev Luth, is complient to 100% to the nazicommunism 2.0 aka WEF-Rockefeller agenda. And so is the government, all political parties, and all authorities. As of today; 28th of Jan. 2021 it seems like Helsinki were on the morning TV News to break the obedience and becomes first to be non-compliant and opens up hobbies for our children. I have also been following the “war” between Zionism and Judaism in Israel for many years and obviously different forms of Christianity related to “Israel”. Thus I find these News pretty interesting:

Ultra-Orthodox unrest threatens Netanyahu [

I have also been studied the conflicts between religions and the out break of a deadly mind-virus like communism and nazism and what happened in Europe and Russia.. and neighboring areas during the times of the Sovjet Union and naziGermany going global. The so called cold war. And now the outbreak I labelled C0Vert-1984 where the New World Order occultists push a totalitarian dystopian orwellian nazicommunism 2.0

Obviously we all need to look at China and the CCP and how they treat everyone not compliant to the Regime. At worst they are organ “harvest” and killed off. But then again chatter brings forth that there are horrific things going on in USA thanks to those involved with the Biden – Kamala administration and the DNC party. There are several republican senators involved in these war crimes. Why would I say “war crimes”? Well most people do not know that we are officially in a world war. There will be a lot of information on this website about that. 

Fauci on Riots vs. going to church or the gym:



From 2018.. and this starts to be obvious and out in the wide open:

If YouTube kills the video: Meet Big Brother by American Intelligence Media


Mind Control is NOT A Conspiracy Theory | Minds


added Friday the 13th, August 2021:

Watch this:



Consent Factory, Inc. – Manufacturing consent for private and public sector clients for over 250 years
is it really THIS BAD? 
..focus in on 1 hour 7 minutes. You can start there. Right there. And tell me there is no ultimate evil power behind the C0Vert-1984 operations.. and THEN you can start from the End and even though it’s a little hashtag too much with Ventura.. just listen all way through. You can call this a conspiracy theory. What if it is what the world is. Our reality. 

WEF, Young Leaders, Klaus *Anal* Schwab and so much more exposed


Henry Kissinger and..

In 1968, Herman Kahn would be asked by a reporter what they do at the Hudson Institute.

He would say, “We take God’s view. The President’s view. Big. Aerial. Global. Galactic. Ethereal. Spatial. Overall. Megalomania is the standard occupational hazard.” This was reportedly followed by Herman Kahn rising out of his chair, pointing his finger towards the sky and suddenly shouting out: ‘Megalomania, zoom!’”



The parasitic elite exposed:—part-i/article_ad38e212-98e9-11ec-9f81-6382277afd20.html