I exposed this University already early on in the C0Vert-1894 Ops back two years ago:

aka ” hear no evil.. see no evil.. “

The video was embedded at:

There first time I exposed them as One of the first in the world; they white washed the whole freaking internet. They will do it now too if we hit the jack pot but I will only give you the “public version” and leave the rest up to you. I do urge you to connect the dots here. Download what you find and put the lights on. We are on a journey to expose the Terminators here.

The “funny” thing last time around was that as they got exposed they never played the card they had up their sleeve. It was kind of the mark of the beast so now they are integrating another version of it.

Google search on ” teslaphoresis “





ps. #Stop5G

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