The Silicon Valley and Big Tech “God Mode” cult never intended to let you know how deep the rabbit hole goes..
because you’re *Their* pawns in this massive Game.
Life on earth.. is just a Game;
so, I tend to say.. don’t take it seriously.
But seriously..
– lets dive deep into this matter:
For example:
If 4G gave us mobile internet and 5G the internet of things, then 6G will give us the internet of the senses. Then we should also be able to feel and taste digitally. That’s what Ericsson’s global research director Magnus Frodigh says.
When most of Ericsson’s colleagues today work full time with the rollout of 5G, Magnus Frodigh, the Group’s global research manager and his more than 700 employed researchers, focus on 6G. He can list lines with more or less science fiction-like applications and features that he is pretty sure will become a reality thanks to 6G.
“Much of what we already saw in front of us in 2012-2013 would be developed with 4G and then become fully possible with 5G has proved to be true”, he states.
If 5G is the breakthrough for the internet of things where everything and everyone is connected, new breakthroughs await with the next generation of technology.
“Even with 5G, AR glasses will have their breakthrough. They will come pretty soon, in just three or four years I think they are good enough for really good experiences. Then 6G will enable the next level of complete immersive communication, that is, you will be able to invite others into your digital environment and sit and talk as if you were in the same room. You will also have haptic feedback, be able to feel objects.”
Together with AR, augmented reality, the internet of senses is something that will be made possible thanks to 6G. All five senses of man must be able to be covered by experiences via the internet.
“You can wear some kind of glove to feel something that only exists virtually. You can then feel surfaces, texture, whether it is hard or soft, light or heavy. There are also holograms that you can feel, without gloves. Taste, where all conceivable flavors can be stored digitally. Then it’s a little trickier how a taste experience should be transferred, but there are already displays that can generate basic tastes that you can lick on”, explains Magnus Frodigh.
Metaverse is a term that is widely used in the tech world today, by more and larger players such as Facebook and Microsoft.
“For me, it is close to the internet of senses, that you can experience something and share it so much richer than today. There is talk of the spatial internet, that you as a human being can be in the spatial digital environment and get extra experiences there. A new level for social media. That is, of course, why Facebook talks so much about metaverse.”
Magnus Frodigh believes that 5G here is good enough to experiment and develop and learn.
“We are getting a good bit into metaverse with 5G. But if it becomes so popular that everyone will use it fully, we will need 6G.”
However, not even Ericsson’s head of research dares to predict everything we can expect from future mobile communications.
“It’s a bit like asking if you could predict Facebook before smartphones existed. Nor was anyone thinking of Uber when we developed 4G, but suddenly taxis were digitized. But I would be surprised if we are not really surprised by the development also in the future.”
One thing is for sure, though, that all industries, processes, products and all sorts of objects will have their digital twin.
“We are already on our way there. In a few years, these physical objects will also be connected with their digital twins and updated in real time, which provides lots of new possibilities. With 6G then comes the possibility of systems of systems that can solve complicated problems. Like a whole smart city with many different digital twins communicating with each other.”
Together with Ericsson, Chalmers is one of the players in Hexa-X, the European project that will lay the foundation for 6G. There, three values in the development are in focus; credibility, digital inclusion and sustainability, explains Tommy Svensson, professor of communication systems.
Source in Swedish:
@ 10 min.; graphene is biocompatible
– so WHY is it in the jab? 🧬💉
Answer: transhumanism = humanity 2.0
= to make humans “cyBORGs” and connect them to the “5G” Matrix
Dr Young confirms Graphene Oxide, Metals and Parasites in Covid Shots
This video is set to begin at a sweet spot so LISTEN CLOSELY from pressing play:
Elon Musk is not your friend
but he is.. “honest” but doesn’t tell the whole truth.. and nothing but the truth. And THAT is the problem as humankind is connected to the Matrix without telling them the options or giving them a chanse to opt out!
CCP is a present and clear DANGER to humankind, freedom and sovereignty
@ 28:13
encrypt your privacy:
and more.. [ here ]
apps [ here ]
laptop / desktop OS [ here ]
My #1 choice is [ clear ]
I am priviliged to know personally some prominent truthers regarding 5G; Rainer Nyberg and other insightfull people from Finland. Martin Pall.. and.. Paul Seils is one:
Telegram: #EMFdetox
one of the best presentations regarding the EMF detox protocol:
@35 min.:
” a digital home ” @
presented by Dave Rubin @ approx. 20 min.:
Read more:
key nodes:
- peroxynitrite
Hyperglycemic episodes, which complicate even well-controlled cases of diabetes, lead to increased polyol pathway flux, activation of protein kinase C and accelerated non-enzymatic formation of advanced glycation end products. Many of these pathways become activated in response to the production of superoxide anion. Superoxide can interact with nitric oxide, forming the potent cytotoxin peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite attacks various biomolecules in the vascular endothelium, vascular smooth muscle and myocardium, eventually leading to cardiovascular dysfunction via multiple mechanisms. This review focuses on emerging evidence suggesting that peroxynitrite plays a key role in the pathogenesis of the cardiovascular complications of diabetes, which underlie the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. Source:
- Dirty Electricity Is Biologically Active – more on..
- All Solar Panels Generate Dirty Electricity
- How They Plan to Control Everything In Your Life
- blog post – the Cell – Stephen King
” C0V ” disease is not a “virus”
and it’s not contagious!!!!!!!!!!!
EXIT the ” 5G ” a.i. IoT VR/AR Matrix #EMFdetox
copy paste:
Mass insanity due to psychiatric effects of cellular poisoning
We also know that 5G radiation and its effects on the cells of the body can lead to symptoms of insanity, hallucinations and even powerful personality changes. Interestingly, CNN’s Chris Cuomo already described bouts of hallucinations as he was battling the coronavirus, living in a high-5G city (NYC). As I wrote on Natural News last December:
5G radiation causes “neuropsychiatric” effects through a mechanism described as ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, according to research published in Environmental Research.
Join our telegram group:
Mask and vaccine exemptions at
Aulterra devices for protection against 5G and wifi, which became necesarry in these days when the 5G is switched:
Join the USA no covid vaccines group to connect locally:
C0Vert-1984 and the ” 5G ” a.i. IoT VR/AR Matrix exposed on the Corbett Report:
Listen to this!!! best documentary so far:
exposing the ” 5G ” a.i. IoT VR/AR cyBORG Matrix..
#EMFdetox and the “virus” named ” SARS-CoV-2 ” exposed in this video @ 14 min. 44 sec.:
and next episode.. plus ” humanity 2.0 ” in *God Mode*
US Patent Confirms Human Nervous System Manipulation Through Your Computer & TV Read more..
The Matrix and Facebook
Operation Crimson Mist
if you’re sincere (which most people are NOT!) about knowing the Truth about the quackcine and the C0Vert-1984 operations and the “5G”-6G a.i. IoT VR/AR Matrix
you oughto listen to this;;;
if YouTube DELETES this video you can use this Google search to find the podcast:
Mikko Kemppe Allison McDowell – #56
@ 55 min.: targeted individuals ( ” t.i. ” )
@ 1 h 1 min.: graphene
For more information:
This channel has a lot of tech bits + full disclosure:
Added on the 30th of March 2022:
everyone… will either chose;
as Klaus Schwab (WEF) put it;
“to merge man with machine”
aka ” 5G ” a.i. IoT VR/AR Matrix / Meta.. verse;
the cyBORGanism
organic Ascension