by David Sorensen

Dear Freedom Fighters,


This is a long overdue personal update, which I apologize for. It’s however a rich and powerful in depth update, that will greatly inspire and empower you, if you read to the end. So invest a few minutes, and let this wealth of critical information strengthen you. 

First a personal note: as I explained earlier, my body crashed after the full year of extremely intense work of building the brand new platform Stop World Control, all by myself. That was followed by the challenge of possibly losing our home, office and filming studio, and the necessary fundraiser to prevent this. The stressful weeks of fundraising hit my last reserves really hard, and after that, I basically just crumbled.

It was a very tense adventure, that however ended wonderfully well, thanks to many of you who have a heart of love and grace, that allowed us to secure this place, so we can continue our very important work.


Thank you all so much! ❤️ 🔥 ⭐️


Worldwide Impact


Meanwhile the hard work is paying off tremendously, as we are having many millions of visitors on the website, from all over the world. In every nation on the earth countless people are waking up to the truth, that saves their life and protects their future. And this will only increase incredibly, during the coming months and year.


I connected with a brilliant web developer who is rebuilding on a better back end structure, which prepares it for massive growth in the near future, as we will translate the content in dozens of languages.


The current period of necessary rest will be followed by a whole new level of worldwide impact.


The principle for staying strong is:


Rest, run and repeat.


Rest, run and repeat.


If we rest well, we can run fast.



Controlling Thoughts
& Feelings


After a month of resting, I have started to do research again and I made the most shocking discovery of my lifetime. I have seen what the ultimate agenda is behind the current plandemic and vaccines.


Many of us believe we know the plan: depopulation of the earth and increased control over those who survive. However, the true agenda goes way beyond that, and is in fact so horrendous, that it took me quite some time to psychologically process it. It’s as if I have been taken to the headquarters in ‘hell’, and was allowed to see the plans on the drawing tables of the worst demons in the underworld.


I have already collected over forty videos and dozens of scientific studies and articles so far, that reveal the same thing: the agenda is not just to silence voices and increase control.


The goal is to literally remove the ability from humanity to think and feel (!) freely, and impart thoughts and feelings into everyone, using 5G.


Yes, you read that right: the plan is to determine what people will be able to think and feel. Censorship will no longer be needed, because nobody will even be able to think or feel outside of the box anymore. The president of Chile literally said it as follows:


‘5G will read your thoughts and also inject thoughts and feelings. 5G will become the nervous system of our society, determining what we all think and feel. And we will make sure this reaches every house.’



Ultimate Brain Control


The abundant evidence I have collected so far, clearly shows that the vaccines are designed to inject nanotechnology into every human body, that will make them ‘devices’ that can be programmed. That’s why Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum says:


‘You will own nothing, have no privacy,…
and be happy!’


This ‘happiness’ will be something 5G will impart into the population: an artificial, imposed state of mind. Fake ‘happiness’ which will fool the brain, but leave the soul empty.


Imagine billions of people with desperate eyes, revealing the devestation of their soul, but with big smiles, while they say: ‘This is great, we are so happy!’


That’s the plan of everything we are seeing now. It is the Masterplan of the Wicked.


1) Create a pandemic

2) Suppress all the cures

3) Tell the world only a vaccine will save them

4) Put nanotechnology in the vaccines that turns humans into devices

5) Use 5G to control what they think and feel

This way the ruling class will never have to fear resistance from people again, because nobody will even be able to think or feel anything that opposes them.


Only the unvaccinated will be free, but the plan is to starve them to death, by cutting them off from every supply chain. The unvaccinated will have their own self sustained communities outside of the cities, but the ruling class will try to round them all up and lock them up in camps, because they are a ‘threat to the world’.


This sounds absolutely insane, I know, and if you can’t believe it, that’s fine. No normal human can believe this kind of madness.


Just wait for the documentary that will show all the evidence. You will hear it from their very own mouths, in the dozens of clips. Links to the many reports and sources that further show the reality of this plan, will be provided. This is going to be my most important project yet, the critical warning to the world.


Please pray for me, as I prepare to expose this plan in the upcoming in depth documentary.




Hundreds of Millions
See Truth






Will these mad psychopats succeed? Their plans are already far developed and their success seems inevitable, because they possess all the highest positions in the whole world and own all the big tech, health, media, entertainment and education industries.


However, there is something else…


Right before their attempt to completely blind and deceive all of humanity, and turn every soul into a controllable puppet, the exact opposite has been happening:


a historically unprecedented massive global awakening of hundreds of millions of people, that are all seeing how they are being lied to, controlled, poisoned and tricked into blind obedience to criminal tyranny.



This is the hope for humanity: the Spirit of Truth tearing down the veil of deception.


It’s now up to each and everyone of us to have the courage to see the truth. We may not hide our heads in the sand, and act as if all is well. That is treason! We must lift up our voice, wherever we are, and take strong action against these nutcases.




Let The Good Guys Arise!






We also must understand that we have to reconnect to the Only One who has the supreme power, to save humanity from these dark forces that want to replace the true humans with artificial cyborgs, controlled by the elite.


The children of God must arise, step away from every religious deception, and become fully active and effective right in the heart of our world.


Religion makes people ineffective and irrelevant, only busy with their own religious activities, that have zero influence in the real world, which in fact creates a subculture at the sidelines of society.


We have to stop any and all religious nonsense, wake up for real and understand that the children of the light are the ones who are called to bring the realm of love and goodness on the earth.




Don’t Wait For
‘The Great Escape’






To the Evangelical Christians in my audience, I have to say something that may shock you, but it will also release you into your destiny.


We are not here to wait for some super event, that will fix everything. No. We must wake up for REAL and understand that the good people are destined to cast out wickedness, and bring the kingdom of God on the earth.


The whole doctrine that we must wait for a rapture, is designed by the wicked to make Christians the most irrelevant and ineffective people on earth, because they simply wait to be ‘rescued’ instead of rising up in power to restore this beautiful creation.


We can discuss all day about which scripture ‘proves’ this or that, but I encourage you to recognize those mindsets that make you ineffective in this world, and discern the sound that shows you who you are, to empower you and lift you up into your destiny of being a royal, divine human, that has the heart of a lion, the vision of an eagle, the innocence of a dove and the cunningness of a snake, to defeat the powers of darkness.


Jesus made it very clear, when he said:


‘Cast out the demons in this world, set the captives free, open the eyes of the blind, break the chains of bondage, end all injustice.’


We have to become true children of love, by rising up and proclaiming truth with everything we have, instead of waiting for an escape. That makes us 100% ineffective, which is the whole point of this Rothschild theology, that was injected into Christianity in the 19th century.


We have to become the exact opposite of what the satanic criminals want us to be.


Bright minded instead of dulled down. Courageous instead of fearful. Creative instead of stupid. Effective instead of irrelevant. Pure instead of perverse. Rooted in God instead of spiritually disconnected. Empowered with truth instead of weakened by confusion. Kind and loving, instead of selfish.


Be an angel on earth, that takes down demons.




Discover ALL Truth






What about all the so called ‘scriptures’ that seem to promote a rapture theology? If you have courage and a real hunger for truth, then I invite you to take the time to read through the following in depth study, which is the result of a personal journey of discovery and research, of more than ten years! It will blow you away…


Don’t scan or skim it, but take the time to truly understand it, and you will see how severely the church has been infiltrated with very destructive deceptions by the powers of darkness.


Just like general education, healthcare, politics, media etc. all have been heavily poisoned with lies, the same is true for Christianity. Every aspect of our society has been extremely intoxicated with the lies from the wicked. The Church just as well as any other entity in our world.


It’s now the time to be couragous and dare to discover EVERY truth, in EVERY aspect of our lives.


Much love,
David Sorensen


Please help me build Stop World Control to be a loud voice of truth and freedom for the world. I need your support, as all of this is done 100% for the whole world. Thank you!