in these times the only way to discredit disclosure is to control disclosure in any means and ways.

thus, since 2006 when I got badly red pilled I realized it has been extremely hard for people to disern truth from corrupted documentation of our history and current affairs.

Since JFK there hasn´t really been any real successful opposition to terror and “harvesting” of Earth and humankind and all living beings in our joint field of existence and science: the 3D reality.

as I started my path of truth seeking I was 100% in this 3D reality and more or less a complete ateist..

with an inner knowing of Truth and Empahty – based on unconditional love.


So, in some peer I was named “True Love”, to some “angel”. My compass was how I feel by heart about things and thus my motto and recommendation to all was: follow your heart. Which is the path to wisdom.


I was given more than bread crumbs – I was fed with data dumps which today is available once you know how to avoid the science fiction and traps and holes in the ground that leads Alice into Wonderland..

Now on my turn; I share bread crumbs – the white rabbit – the red pill..

This video is not a bread crumb put.. the red pill. Once you start to do your due diligence and realize that you can´t trust your history books, science, nor News media – at all! And you want to find out where we are for real. You have been red pilled. Let the journey towards..

I am the Truth and the Way

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