” alien ” intelligence; most of the ideas presented are not so alien in the terms of foreign. The Big Q -uest or rather question in these days are;
since we know that there are a lot of wicced & rotten people out there and ..has always been..
“what sort of damage control can we do PREVENTIVELY”?
First we need to sort science from fiction; what is “good/bad story telling” and what is real. After that we need to know what sort of AI we are going to implement to increase productivity, security and privacy. If we once thought that it was hard to be safe once connected to the internet the emerging AI is and will be weaponized against us exponentially. Our companies, portfolios, investments securities might be hi-jacked in a way most can’t even imagine right now. And unexpectedly one day be inaccessible to us. Gone.
I was surprised living in the US winter 2022-2023 that I was NOT able to access my binance account. I understand that *They* may deny Americans from the international binance and restrict the Americans to the US binance. But to restrict foreigners visiting the US from their own accounts “can’t be legal”.