how bad is it..?
“God” that so many worship is a “virus” in the Matrix
what if.. “God” that so many worship is a “virus” in the Matrix? @ 1:06 Chris Neo on that topic @ 1:35 I have been trying to tell people (all […]
* WARNING * the “5G” a.i. VR/AR IoT Matrix is online
ENTER tain.. aka “Black Mirror” most people don’t know the meanings of words. Or what Holy Wood “Land” is. Part of the Plandemic and the orwellian dystopian roll out […]
normal people vs ” a new normal ” – Liz Wheeler
a strong woman having a good rant April 2020: after the Independence Day:
Nüremberg trials 2.0 – “don’t get your hopes up..!”
on a personal note: and what I commented on the TEST RUN video on YouTube: so.. the question on our lips: “what CAN we do..?” What I’ve done […]
Fascistnazibook vs. a free open society
Truthers and Freedom seekers EXIT Facebook and move onto gab + Parler + MeWe + etc You can connect with me on MeWe ……… Facebook is Dictated by the nazicommunistparty […]
CRISPR – End Game – übermenschen
0/I = binary CRISPR programming with DNA/rna What’s the “rna string” for identifying SARS-CoV-2? What’s the code for the rna -vaccines? aka “the Cure” lets go Q U A N […]
“check mate” on humanity
WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
” the Cure ” to ” Corona “
problem + solution = order out of chaos in “GOD” we Trust ” Messiah ” = Christ in Greek “The Game” continues and Trump is a player. While all […]
protocol to kill COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2
COVID-19 treatment protocol Primary Outcome Measures : Time to recovery [ Time Frame: 30 days ] Secondary Outcome Measures : Time to elimination of COVID-19 related symptoms [ […]