I am going to make a post with a few videos. The videos doesn’t necessarily express my views on the issues but it sure gives STRONG signals on where we […]
The Assassination attempt on Trump
Did we see it coming?Did I tell you during Barack Obama’s POTUS period that the war on Russia and WW3 will happen as soon as Clinton-Biden-NWO takes the White House […]
USA and the NWO 4th Reich Empire
Within USA there is a “battle” ..or rather a war between good and bad. It’s like Star Wars on Earth. Very much so indeed. These videos give some content to […]
Ukraine and the New World Order aka the 4th Reich
Dr. Mercola on the BEAST Machine
The yoke may be heavy, but it can be removed. So.. WHAT CAN WE DO? STORY AT-A-GLANCE: By now, millions of people know about the Great Reset, the attack on […]
the HISTORY of Ukraine
To me it was wierd that people started to talk about Russia and Russians as..Europe and Europeans. To me; a Russian was a Russian and frankly I was glad that […]
in Finnish – ” NATO ” ja sotakiima
Suomalaiset eivät taida hirveästi tietää todellisista maailmanmenoista ja YLE hypnoosi on luonnut täysin valheellisen maailmankuvan. CIA jo aikoja sitten tunnetaan siitä, että rakentaa sekä terrori-“vapaudentaistelija”-verkostoja ja soluja, suorittaa vallankaappauksia ja […]
in Finnish – Ukrainan sota – osa 2
Ukrainan sota; n. sata vuotta sitten oli Sovjet unioni (“kommunismi”) ja nazit. Suomi tekii liiton naziSaksan ja Hitlerin kanssa ja lopulta hääti ne ja kiitokseksi nazit poltti Rovaniemen jne. Suomalaiset […]
in Finnish – Ukrainan sota
Olen aina sanonut, että jos Hillary Clinton olisi valittu presidentiksi niin sota Venäjän kanssa oli 100 -varma. Saatiin siis elää ilman “Venäjän Uhkaa” sen aikaa kun presidenttinä oli Trump ja […]
the WAR in Ukraine – on a need to know basis
25th of April 2022: We all know there are special kind of stupid people that think the narrative is the truth of the matters and they protect that truth […]