WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
forbidden or for Biden.. different rules in the Game for different players
A friend of mine wrote: ” I thought having “electronic assistance“ in the Presidential Candidate’s debate yesterday was forbidden?… oh, maybe the Democrats misunderstood and they read “Forbidden” as “For Biden”!? Biden […]
chemtrails STOP
Q – Trump admin said they would end the spraying.. some said. In 2019 I noticed it kind of came to an End. Still I heard reports from different places […]
World War 3 / Z = Australia first
featured image [ source ]
from Civil “unrest” to Civil War
Joe Rogan – Steven Crowder Infiltrated Antifa.. this video in retrospective and then this: Did Steve Bannon mean.. literally.. – what he said as last words?🕳🌐🌊🇺🇸🦅 cause he […]
C0Vert-1984 Documentary on Corbett Report
” the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth..! “ on the 1st of April 2020 I had done my due diligence on this topic and proclaimed it […]
the American 20/20 Civil War unmasked
pic source [ here ] a Russian professor and political scientist best known for predicting in 1998 that the United States would disintegrate… Posted by Kim’s iwikimi .com on Thursday, 3 […]
” there is no Corona..! “
⚡️THE SPIRITUAL WAR INTENSIFIES ⚡️ This is why it happened… Posted by Bernhard Guenther on Thursday, 13 August 2020
Cali fornication – the wild fires + disclosure
picture source: Google search 5g mind control Included in the .mp3 audio: the wild fires in USA free water in Libya; the 8th world wonder was man made crimson mist […]
is illuminati “real”?
in these times the only way to discredit disclosure is to control disclosure in any means and ways. thus, since 2006 when I got badly red pilled I realized it […]