WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page:

EXIT Facebook!


To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each other to parties and posted post-party pics and I was an outsides. I found Facebook to be conveniet and in the end it was the best phone book in the world and I was able to keep in touch and have contacts available to all the people I met while living Mr. World Wide life style – I still do but “Corona” happened and I kind of stay put now.


I think that the social media had the potential to be THE means to EXIT the old hidden secret Dictatorship: that create all suffering on Earth (“Loosh!” -harvesting) and scarcity and keep the humankind from an organic Ascension into the multidimensional potential and essence. I was writing about the Shift and that we need to make sure that social media is open and indulge in free speech and full disclosure. And if not Facebook is set in the hands of honest people and disconnected from theDarkSide we need to have plan B and set also the truthers on YouTube onto other platforms.. I tried to contact and make Kim Dot Com et al see that the war is real – the war on humanity and the DarkSide wants to recreate everything in our reality in their own image: since they are in God mode. They think that *their* was is the only way and will never ever set us free. And since most these “pretend” believers, christians what not are ateists and transhumanists they will never ever see the Truth or never let YOU know the Truth since then their world – or rather Creator path – will be unveiled and they’re “lost”. They are lost. But will not chose the path to go ..home.

There are people who are truly awaken and they know that we are going home. And the organic Ascension is the path home – out of here. But since the Shift failed. And there are no signs – only wishful thinking – believers.. religious people in that sense that still believe in the Shift; the ONLY advice I can give them; is to.. WAKE UP.

Either way they chose; the awakening may or may not happen in this life time. For them! When they awaken their next life time is the key – the EXIT.. but..

..only for those who ‘made it’. And even according to the Bible: the meak will inherit the Earth.. and the rest will stay in Hell. Yes; the torture, terror, Dictatorship, obedience, suffering.. sickness.. and corruption will continue in this life time and all the next once until – one by one – some.. wake up. Those behind the scene; the curtain – will try to high-jack the “New Age” and already high-jacked the “movement” and all the gurus to have them integrated in the “5G” a.i. IoT VR/AR Matrix; the transhumanistic “evolution” and make people “live in space” – at least part; and what happens here? as telepathy trough “high tech” and neurolink etc is excelled the ears will eventually disappear, the teet, mouth and jaw structure goes small, and the eyes go black -ish and big and the extremities goes long and thin ..and those humans will eventually be just like the grey. As the connection to Source, God, Love, Heart is disconnected these people lack all empathy, compassion and in the End the spark of Life. All their life force is just “biological” and more or less syntethic as they became the Gods of their own reality; and their own essence and life. And they are now about to go extinct – in the future. And they came back. They are *wicked* and interfere in our freedom and path to organic Ascension; they didn’t know about what I write now: they ignored it then when it happened – and they have no clue still returning from the future. They are here now. It all starts now and they’re back and it also ends now. 

You can stay in this infinity loop and I did. That is why I have so strong deja vouz. A thoousand times I made all the wrong choises and I seem to do it over and over again. But I am so so close now: to EXIT the Game.

Unfortunately I am the only One.

I am the One.
I am Neo.

But just like Neo in the movies – he didn’t make it in any of the movies. He woke up to live both in the Matrix, awakened, but still stayed tried to do the EXIT but got stuck connected to the Matrix. He was just aware of the other dimensions of the Matrix looking for solutions and clues but connecting neurolink and entering back into the illusion (3D) – the illusion you experience by reading my text. It’s not real. It’s just a physical – mental – experience you happen to have. And your senses tells you THIS IS REALITY. The thing is that there are realms where you can manifest into existence in so many other forms and ways. There is nothing wrong to be here. It’s just a game. A game we keep on playing. And enjoy it no matter “what happens to you”. For many relief is happiness. And to be well. For others it’s to know who they Really Are. The I am. And once you know – you know. And then you know all I said is real and True. You are awaken. If you remember who you are and you are what you are as you disengage in this game your next manifestation will lead you to the place you are in resonance with. Most people who through religion or faith believe in the purgatory or other “shitty” place because they’ve sinned.. well; you oughto know what happens “to them”. Well, they brought it upon themselves to meet themselves. 

So; the Shift is not happening; the split is. Most people´s mind complex is going through a split – or rather a spintering.. 


so holeness,



ps. people SHOULD HAVE LISTENED years back when I urged people to set up social media where WE are not censored. We didn’t do what was required from us in our own apathy and ignorance: Like Sadghuru said in one of a video of him that I posted on Facebook: the only evil is ignorance

ps2. while I´ve always said that selfishness is the root to all evil. People don´t care. And THAT is the price they ..and I.. will pay now. Winter is Coming /GoT.

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