Q – Trump admin said they would end the spraying.. some said.
In 2019 I noticed it kind of came to an End. Still I heard reports from different places over the world where they said it’s still going on..
..but on the west coast of Finland and while living in Bali: to me it seemed to have ended. Was the earth prepped and done for the C0Vert-1984 by 2019? Seems so.
However, there were some very grey and low clouds inbound yesterday; Sunday 27th of Sept. 2020 and I had to ask peeps whether they had noticed.. spraying: since my 6th sense said so. And in the region I was in I got this and a video as a reply:
There are many levels to “prepping” the Earth for the dystopic New World Order but one is the “obey”slave”agent Smith” -programs and turning the humanoids into living dead “5G” Zombies and now we are in the World War 3 which we can label as the zombie eucalypse, End Times, World War Z etc of biblical proportions. So the world was prepping with chems and nano particles for years and now we are baked and cooked to be connected to the Matrix: theNewWorldOrder. So; get vaccined, get the chips (and pop corn) and get connected to the Beast.
The Hive mind is the communism-nazism 2.0
It’s the anti-christ. And you’re either of it.
..or.. #EMFdetox as soon as possible and walk the path of organic Ascension. The earthlings are tuning into transhumanism and multidimensional essence and we can use frequencies in harmony with that. But as we get aware of these Super Powers theDarkSide has already been quantum leap steps ahead of us. So keep it simple. Keep it very very very simple: get the chems and nanos deactivated and get that shit out of your “system” (mind & body).