Joe Rogan – Steven Crowder Infiltrated Antifa.. this video in retrospective and then this:
Did Steve Bannon mean.. literally..
a clear and present DANGER – WARNING:
@ 34:32 min.: sweet spot regarding DNC (demon crazies) and their puppets Biden – Kamala in the elections 2020
@38:34 min.: the U.N. in China and Wuhan.. WHO.. part of the Chinese communist party (CCP) = a can of worms = Question asked:
“can we trust U.N., WHO and the CCP?”
Miles Guo answers..
@ 1 h 10 min.: “do CCP seek world control / domination?” Miles Guo answers..
@ 1 h 35 min.: ppe = personal protective equipment
- this is what I did too: I sorted out with what sort of equipment I can neutralize all and any viruses from my self or peeps around me. How many of peeps in my peer did that? No one as far as I know.
- Question: why do people rely on luck or their “local health professional”?
- These local health professionals are now fear mongering 10 – 15 years old boys and girls to get the genocide protocol with the covert sales trick “HPV vaccine”. They put their trust in these people and the News hypnosis magicians. Why?
- I will never ever comprehend the level of ignorance. I didn’t understand it as a kid nor do I now. People are pawns to be played. That’s how the “smart ones” sees the “others” which leads us into the “harvest” mentality and bad cases of wetiko.
” The term wetiko is a Cree term (windigo in Ojibway, wintiko in Powhatan) which, to quote Forbes, refers to “an evil person or spirit who terrorizes other creatures by means of terrible evil acts.”[ii] Wetikos are the human instruments for the transpersonal ‘spirit of evil’ to terrorize the world. ” [ source ]