Copy pasted text:
In 2017, Top exporters of COVID-19 Test kits are Switzerland ($23,684,716.51K , 2,538,500 Kg), Germany ($17,464,406.19K , 7,242,210 Kg), European Union ($16,940,789.16K , 8,953,990 Kg), United States ($8,283,146.64K , 7,020,260 Kg), Ireland ($6,356,054.92K , 590,259 Kg).
COVID-19 Test kits imports by country in 2017
I researched EVERY DAY in March of 2020 the so called C0Vert-1984 agenda: on the 1st of April I called it out for being a sick joke;
” the most epic false flag since 9/II ” 

I researched just like I did ages ago when I knew on beforehand that WHO will class H1N1 as a pandemic and thus activate automated orders and forced vaccination. Btw, it seems like *they* are setting up a new H1N1 epidemic in Taiwan and China as USA is exporting contaminated swines as I write this post:

A key person/node was Donald Rumsfeld also involved in the industrial military complex and aspartame “business.. as usual”
Back then I didn`t have social media but I put together an email and sent my findings base on mt due diligence.
Now I have social media:
“the Corona” was forewarned in the Olympics opening and performed by Madonna in Israel during the Euro.. visions!
Now in the year of clear vision 20/20 it is the Great year of aWakening and “red pilling”
in Australia we find the first line of defence and if Australia falls New Zealand is next.
These are next after China the #1 regions of the NewWorldOrder.
The Sars-CoV-2 was initially military grade released ..not by a bat.. but by P4 labs in Wuhan and USA.
The test kits were also most likely contaminated and not created on demand but shipped out based on orders dated back in 2017.
This time my post is of another magnitude compared to the bread crumbs and memes I have posted earlier on this topic; I will not get a reprimand by the nazisregime`s (the NewWorldOrder) “Fact Checkers” but this is where the gestapo will red flag me, I will get tagged by the Star of David, and most probably delete my fb page. So, a lot of effort to update this page will be lost. This is what I am ready to sacrifice for the sake of fighting the naziregime 2.0. I had the post up on Facebook for a while and transfered it on to my blog in stead. And here it is! = )
please; I urge you to save and download this page: