You don’t need AI
..just common sense and knowledge to know that BBC is the propaganda outlet for the Big Bank/Money/industrial military complex and the globalist parasitic predatory elite..

Elon Musk is out there dropping bread crumbs exposing *Them*
The psychos Ruling the World. The “New” *Old* World Order.



Speaking of the parasitic predatory world elite..

Have you ever heard the rumour that the world is run by a pedo elite..?

well, that “too” might be just a “conspriacy theory” but have you seen the actual footage of “The” Dalai Lama kissing a boy and asking the kid to suck his tongue.

” Freudian “

In psychoanalysis, a Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.








John D. #Rockefeller

the root to most evil

..and *God* of western “reality”







The potential of AI
and humans are “hackable animals” according to Homo Deus Harari
Manipulation of nervous systems by electric fields

And also..

Pat. US 5356368 A
Pat. US5356368A

Google it yourself! and PRINT for DOWNLOAD the webpages. Because once this spreads to the public they might get “white washed” from the internet. That is very common – have happened all the time since 2009 when I started to publish these things!




What will CIA do with AI?
artificiell “intellifence” 😁




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