First of all; 

  • if you´re really awake to the reality we are in you will notice that people and public persons you have considered pretty sane are kind of.. losing it. Those with a clear vision (and thus I call the after math of the COVert-1984 Psy Ops 2020 instead 20/20) will realize there´s a correlation between the roll out of the 5G Matrix and people going mental. It will be harder and harder to find people around you that are “immune” to the psychosis that spreads like a..

    ” virus “

    Everything in our conceived reality is frequencies. We are as human beings of electro magnetic essence. Thus electro magnetic frequencies all around us affect us as a being: our health, biology and mental state etc.

There are people who know a lot about this and has patented a lot of “solutions” to manipulate us. Like with all powers of control and manipulation – as well as creation – we land on the wide scale of good to bad. But then there are those way more sinister than being just bad people; the psychopaths. That is the reality we live in and right now the world is governed by a kakistocracy dictated by these sinister beings like Kill Bill Gates, Mark of the Beast Zuckerberg, George Soros, The Rockefeller Foundation et al.
kakistocracy ([kækɪ’stɑkrəsi]) is a system of government that is run by the worst, least qualified, and/or most unscrupulous citizens.[1][2] The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century,[3] but gained significant use in the first decades of the 20th century to criticize populist governments emerging in different democracies around the world.

Here is a small recap of one man who patented solutions in USA:

This is however just the beginning.. lets dive deeper into this matter:

The IoT = internet of things is about creating a totalitarian technocratic mass control of not only the people but all organic life forms. In the long run. The “heaven sent” technique going online is 5G. The frequencies are not completely organic but through chemicals (micro/nano size metal particles) the organic side of creation become synthetic transponders – modems – antennas. 

As I see it there is no place for 5G on earth as is. It might be there is a great potential with it if harnessed for specific uses. However, as a main stream solution it’s like giving pocket held nuclear radiation plants to the people and giving away the power to a foreign enemy. 

With “5G” you can completely remote control the mind. For sure any wannabe Master of Puppets would like to access this God mode. Lots of fun. But those at the other end will suffer immensely from the thoughts form implanted in their minds. Funny thing is that most realize that alot of what they think are their thoughts are actually sent to them. Those it is easy to create a mass hypnosis en mass. And just turn back time to the 1930 with the nazis.. Sovjet.. and masshypnosis and atrocities in the far east and all over Asia. People following their heart are not able to follow herds and mobs like this. It’s not possible. Still it seems like historians and modern science hasn’t been able to call forth this sort of evil and darkness. 

There are so many people going through the aWakening, the Shift at this point in linear time and evolution of humankind so the hidden hand need to ramp up the measures against this movement. The aWakening is really about being able to see reality for what it is and the essence of who we are. This is also why DMT, the spirit molecule, etc is demonized. People are so deep in the swamp we call 3D aka the old Matrix that they need to boost the pineal gland to break the shackles, the chains, the cage, their trapped in. Eventually they want to reconnect to GodSource and True Love. The “5G” Matrix is to keep humankind disconnected and recreate man in the image of psychopathic wanna-be-Gods and Architects. These psychos are now those people mainstream News media is hailing as the saviours; modern Messiahs. While as long christ is love they’re nothing but a bunch of anti-christs.

So who do you follow..?

If you integrate the essence of who you really are and/or the Holy Spirit or just follow your heart you´re pretty much on the Right Path. But most people seriously need to go through what I have hashtagged the #EMFdetox protocolls. For those injected and infected by chems, mold, nanos etc etc will go through a personal hell detoxing from them but the protocol doesn’t need to be a path of suffering if people take time to do it and not rushing it. Sadly, it is going to cost you a shit load of money.  

Read more..

Generation X-Ray – Child victims of Technological abuse

The Dr. Toril Jelter Protocol for Reducing Wireless Radiation & Improving Autism Symptoms


It’s not only through the “5G” grid that you can be remote controlled. I work myself with zero field tech and you´re either unconscious of your own essence in relation to where actually every thing is or you become more aware. So both the frequency tech and the zero field tech has been in used for a long time but the IoT a.i. VR/AR Matrix will consume the whole humankind. Unless..

you do something about it! And you can. For many of us that are aware of who we really are we also know that they will modify humans to become a “internet of thing” which actually in my terms means that the intention is to connect people to the Matrix and disconnect them from their own essence. That is also prophized as the mark of the beast and the consequences of getting marked: then you´re dead in the sense that the essence of who you are is disconnected from the mental template and the mental is how the mind concieve “who you are” which is the false self. So people in the Matrix will be their false self. The Matrix movie doesn´t correctly interpret the reality but early stage of this progress is to “make cryptocurrency income” from selling (out) your biometrics. 

It also seems like the COVert-1984 vaccine is kind of a program – the real virus – that reprogram DNA/rna in humans and all the science about this is available from the public agenda regarding the vaccine. So there is really no cover up regarding this. It’s public knowledge. 

The book they mentioned in the video is this one:

[ Picture source ]


How to Antidote EMFs and 5G




@ 8 min.: you do NOT treat disease with disease; that’s “witchcraft”
@ 23 min.: #EMFdetox