A friend of mine wrote: ” I thought having “electronic assistance“ in the Presidential Candidate’s debate yesterday was forbidden?… oh, maybe the Democrats misunderstood and they read “Forbidden” as “For Biden”!?
Biden definitely won for looking “statesmanlike“, but “The Donald” definitely Trumped Biden in the Badass Bully department. And, well his personality is embarrassing, I admit, do we really want a “nice guy“ going up against China and Russia, and trying to negotiate with hard line “friendly governments“ like Israel, the Arab Nations, and all the other truly nasty leaders? “
forbidden or for Biden.. different rules in the Game for different players
The New World Order; creating the world in their image: aka God Mode. They make the rules you need to obey and live by. They will be our Big Brothers, our one government, one religion, one order, one ruler.
If you want to dictate your own puppets: here are some gear they used for Biden: https://savox.com/
Many may “think” that the world war 3 or rather world war “Z” looks like soldiers on the street or armoured police and anarchy. Well no, the main war is Psy Ops and high tech communications and media. The bad guys have suits.
I got this DVD today.. #1984 movie night: