the human “pre-condition”

..that leads to all problems in the world; self -ish -ness.

It is the root to all evil. But.. most people are not aware of their own conditions and that they are conditioning others into this psychopathy. And those glorify their own sickness are called narcissists. 

I have been on a long path to help human kind sort out this sickness that culminates in wickedness: including terror, torment, torture, sadism, masochism and harvesting the vulnerable and innocent. These are dark and harsh words and most mirror it on the screen through NetFlix “Life Style” unaware that the level of humankind – the mass – is in them. Themselves. That this text is about THEM! Not “the others”.

There are so many people who proclaim “love and light” and “green deals and thinking”: including capitalist-commercial movements like Amnesty, WHO, U.N. and Green Peace but are merely fascists in their own endeavors, agendas and way of “thinking” that it was never in consideration of others – but merely a reflection of their own “God Mode”. That they want to recreate the world in their own image. They want to dictate from their own make-belief “zero point” or “neutral” perspective. While it is just more of an oxymoron or paradox that is reflected in the image of the mind. Imagination of how things are “supposed to be”. The outer world. And was ever a reflection of the genuine inner world: the Kingdom within as the Bible and some referring their idol: Jesus – would say. Most speaking of the Kingdom within are also recreating in image of what their mind can conceive. While.. lets get to the Point:


manifestation – aka creating in materia – our reality

..will always create “3D” Hell on Earth


we never learn how to set ourselves free from this condition: selfishness. Only then we can EXIT the 3D Matrix and enter higher realms: Higher as in better: more enjoyable and True unconditional Love, Abundance, honesty, truth, where everything and you included is enough. More than enough. We coCreation is fun. And no one will steal or destroy you or what you have going. 

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