So I got a hit by the nazicommunists 2.0 “Ministry of Truth” 1984 for posting THIS on one of my Facebook pages:
THINK ABOUT IT!!!! it was just a POST with this link!!!!
and the text:
TIMES.. ” Man of the Year “ Adolf Hitler et al
Facebook shadow bans me and my pages for posting DailyMail’s article under the section science tech. More scary is that the “state ruled/owned” YLE this very morning proved that it’s 100% Fake News. 100% mind control TV programming. My question for years have been: why is there no whistle blowers from YLE? Where are the honest people? Are Finland a clean representation of what is wrong in this world? Yes; it is – Finland is one of the #1 NewWorldOrder countries in the World! aka nazicommunism 2.0
“WEF”´s Schwab is so proud of “us” 

Biden is part of the “Skull & Bones and CIA NewWorldOrder that was designed and created by Prescot Bush. A true nazi. He was even involved in the creation of Adolf Hitler´s Regime.
Biden, Kerry, McCain, Bush Jr. and Sr. are all members.
They create wars of the world.
Another psycho: CIA acting director Michael Morell
(ps. I like the title: “acting” Director of the CIA) is most likely to be positioned back into the CIA
“if..” Biden wins.
“if..” Biden wins.
This election and this year 2020 is about ClearVision aka 20/20. It’s the year of the “red pill” and for the people to see that CIA and the Skull & Bones New World Order nazis de facto directs the News. 100%
What troubles many of us is that those in the hypnosis live in denial. They refuse to actually read and understand the facts of all matters. They slumber into the News narrative. Which is so freaking narrow that it only proves the nazis right: the “sheeples” deserves to be led into the slaughter: “harvest” and Wars. To become vaccined and slaved to the Big Corp/Money/Pharma machinery.
The Final Solution: economic reset:
Elon Musk
how is that the man, the myth, the legend; stayed in the dark for a freaking year!! “News” regard this man as.. long list of positive adjectives related to his intelligence and prospect.
The aWaken asked these questions no later than Februar-March and knew that it was a fusion of false science and sick nazi agendas and I called it out for what it is 1st of April:
“the most epic false flag since 9/II”
– designed by the same Architects!
Speaking of Elon Musk: he is the arrend “boy” of these nazis rolling out the “5G” satellite Matrix. Elon Musk oughto know what he is doing and that he sold his soul to the.. “Devil” (the Architect). He woun’t gain redemption through respaning on Mars. Hell no!
So.. will Elon Musk be able to connect to his heart and start making things Right? Is he a Truth seeker and modern day hero? Or..
a puppet of the villain?
..but.. what about..
awakening..? aren´t the Architect and 3 Matrix going to hijack us and our reality whatever we do? Even Elon Musk says we are living in a “hologram” / Matrix..
is there any escape? is there a way.. to..
EXIT the 3D / neg. 4D Matrix
is Plandemic 1 just a beta -test.. a trailer to something worse? a..
beyond the “2nd wave”
what is planned?
and what about the..
the Climate Change Myth
..or.. real science..!?
personally I expect that “food shortage” will be on the agenda because it’s a norm in “communism” roll outs. And also to have people wheelbarrow “money” for a loaf of bread. Basically to get rid of the common peoples´ savings. This way it’s easy to strip them from whatever they own. Typical “harvesting” and “nazicommunism” is all about the greed of a parasitic elite.. CCP.. Lenin, Trotskij and Stalin.. Hitler et al. MonArchon Imperialists. And so on..
“Business as usual..”
This is their “marketing” of the NewWorldOrder:
This is how our world could change by 2030. Read more:
— World Economic Forum (@wef) February 6, 2017