News 🧻 … 🎙📻📺📰
made Biden-Kamala POTUS
and legitimize the Black Witchcraft / Black Magicians fraudulent take over of the White House
The New Normal aka what was once upon a time called by the Skull n Bones and the Pope “the New World Order” are so confident that they already.. made Public *their* Game:

End Times
End Game
..of Biblical proportions. Arise humankind. Arise Christians. Arise Vikings. Arise Truthers. Arise Freedom Lovers.
Apathy and Selfishness is the root to all *evil*.
I make Public: the World War C0Vert-1984 Corona Zombie Apocalypse is here!!
ps. don’t take it seriously: it’s just a Game 🏁🚩
Read more..
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The New York State Bar Association on Saturday passed a resolution urging the state to consider making it mandatory for all New Yorkers to undergo COVID-19 vaccination when a vaccine becomes available, even if people object to it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”
Lets really hope this is a PsyOp and nothing of it is true.
However; we have to look into the current world affairs sincerely, honestly and with due diligence:—CLAIRE-EDWARDS:e
A world of Biden-Kamala-theDarkSide and Michael Bay: