Early 2020 I did my due diligence on viruses; how to protect oneself and how to treat oneself if infected. The “WEF” economic reset and the “lock downs” is not correlating at all with the science I discovered. So the “Corona” is nothing but a sick joke in order for social restructuring of societies and conformation as well as “business as usual..”
So; if there WAS a real deadly serious pandemic and the pandemic is not a bacteria but a virus then turn back time and look at the early measures in China and ebola break out in Africa. The “masks” in Europe and USA is just a sign of obedience. It has NOTHING to do with safety measures. Nothing.
So the “masks” and “lock downs” is only to make life so unbearable..
that the vaccine carries the crown; the corona; the sign of the King and/or Messiah; the savior.
So lets look at the required measurements in an ebola danger zone:
Image source and read more.. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wedding-dress-designer-helps-ebola-suit/story?id=28930598
I am not fond of main stream “News” but I dropped an abc link – sorry. The first “patient zero” in USA was hospitalized and two of the nurses got infected. So even though they were professionals conducting proper care they still got infected. So talking about “air born” viruses you need to be special kind of stupid to consider this an option:
masks and black friday matters
image source [ YLE ]
Another ebola related suit:

The nazicommunistic 2.0 scheme:
” Universal basic income seems to improve employment and well-being ” = propaganda = mind con troll
Read more and pic source: