Dr. Rima Laibow is a long time modern day hero. I can’t express how much I appreciate people like this. We live in a world were there are good people..


and very *wicked*. Before the era of “social media” I sent out emails as I did due diligence on this very topic. We were able back then to fend of the mandatory “jab” and I knew that this day will come; *they* who we shall not speak of on their own platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram etc are take any necessary steps to infect each and everyone of us with the “Mark of the Beast”; which is the real virus. The zombification, enslavement of the “harvest”. We are the “harvest”. Unless we join the aWakening.


Listen to her..!!!! Seriously. Do it. And also tune into Corbett Report. Everything has been documented for many many many years. You just need to do your due diligence on the matters that decide YOUR and my future.