in USA – journalism is just ” Tavistock ” / operation Mockingbird 2.0 mind con troll.
Dan puts it out there:
This video show case the fact that Bush-Biden-Kerry-Clinton Regime creates the narrative like a movie script. It’s all just a theatre to roll out the nazicommunism 2.0. Obama was a mere puppet: a talking head just like Biden is now anno 2021. What weren’t they LOCKED UP just like what Donald Trump promised during his campaign?
Now Trump is being target of cancel culture.. they will try to LOCK HIM UP for real. They have and will try to kill him until either task is done. I always pondered why Donald Trump was ready to sacrifice himself and his family? Why he put everything on the line? Do you? He should know better..
..did he?
Or is he really the crusader his followers relied on. We´ll see.
What News can we rely on?