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depop cult -ure anno 2011
19th of Oct. 2020
First thing first:
Dr. Mercola is pretty awake and I have read his stuff and listened to him for years. In this article he drops the red pill and in the End gives a protocol for the “common cold” which the COVID-19 is. [ Here! ]
The immune protocols [ short ] and [ long ] versions.
Co = Corona
Vi = Virus
D = Disease
19 = anno 2019
So COVID-19 is a diagnose – not the virus. It’s said that it´s a specific “virus” named/labelled SARS-CoV-2 that caused the disease named/labelled COVID-19.
People that are in the “media hypnosis” created by the tricksters* through the “new normal” agenda will not realize that this common flu is really no different from years past. So it’s the same same but with the twist that the fear mongering propaganda machinery made it to some scary invisible monster under the bed. There is no monster under the bed!
Listen on [ sound cloud ] Dr. Reiner Fuellmich about Crimes Against Humanity and the Corona Fraud
@11:44 HOW TO BE SAFE LEGALLY as a patient – so no experiments are done on him or her. A power of Attorney to a friend
So why did we turn this Corona into a Monster that eat children, supposedly “healthy” and in their life vigor adults and millions of elderly?
Lets see who the “tricksters” are that I put and asterix on:
Here’s the asterix and some abbreviations:
*(CNN-CIA dictated by the nazicommunism 2.0 / globalists/Cabal/NWO/parasitic elite)
If.. only “if..” you want to know the truth of the matters, current affairs and really reWrite History to what happened for real: you need to catch up the symbolism. That is the puzzle and pieces they lay out and that is how they are brought out from the shadows ..and deepest darkness.. into the lime light of the truthers. Sevan Bomar at the End of the video expose the corruption and hi-jacking: [ listen ]
This page on my website was initiated
6th of Oct. 2020
..but I dropped the bomb on 1st of April 2020 regarding the most epic scam of our times. Lets start..
” soft red pill “
Here’s a Dr. that asks the relevant questions I started with in February – March and concluded 1st of April that the COVID-19 is just an April fools joke; a scam, a hoax, a pyramid scheme by the parasitic elite. But if you “be-lie-ve” the mainstream News please start with this video:
- was the “out break” in Wuhan related to the fact that they rolled out and turned on 5G?
- was the “out break” in Vaasa, Finland (in the autumn of 2020) related to the fact that they rolled out and turned on 5G?
Theser are questions! not statements.
Now lets follow the White Rabbit and go deep diving..
Im not happy with your compliance, your home is dangerous, it’s all for the new world order!
Mirrored [ here – YouTube capture ]
dumbing down and eventually
killing yourself..
WHY do people do that?
people are fooled by the *tricksters* to do it to themselves: which means the *tricksters* consider it to be legit.
WATCH also the original first Plandemic documentary:
You can downloade it in mp4 [ here ]
[ blog post 12th Sept. 2020 ] ” Nüremberg trials 2.0 – “don’t get your hopes up..!” “
A president candidate in the USA other than Biden vs. Trump: Jolie Diane exposes on her [ page ]
First off: our friendly bacteria is first line of defense against viruses and other attacks by small “organisms”. So if you disinfect yourself from your own bacteria you also kill your own defense and immune support.
I have the
Harness a force as natural as life itself
We are all familiar with the process of photosynthesis. But are you as familiar with the terms photosensitisation and Singlet Oxygen Energy? To explain, for a small fraction of a second during the photosensitisation process, the oxygen molecule destabilises and becomes Singlet Oxygen. This occurs when one of the molecule’s electrons starts spinning in the opposite direction and rotating in a wider arc before returning to its original position. When it does so, what is known as Singlet Oxygen Energy (SOE) is emitted. Although the lifetime of Singlet Oxygen can be measured in thousandths of a second, the energy released can be quite significant. In nature, we have witnessed the regenerative properties of SOE in relation to plant growth. That observation led VALKION’s founder, Tony van der Valk, to consider th effects SOE might have on humans.
Who says great ideas don’t grow on trees?
Oxygen. Pure, simple and one of the building blocks of all life on earth.
In 1985, VALKION’s founder, Tony van der Valk, considered the following question: How could the regenerative power of oxygen be harnessed and utilised effectively and safely for the benefit of everyone who needed it? Today, the unique technology Tony pioneered is expressed in our range of VALKION units.
Each VALKION unit contains an Energy Production Chamber (EPC). Inside this chamber, air undergoes the natural process of photosensitisation. In nature, this process requires three basic ‘ingredients’ – light, oxygen and a suitable photosensitiser. When sunlight reaches the leaves on plants and trees, chlorophyll acts as a photosensitiser and singlet oxygen forms on their surface. In our VALKION equipment, the EPC replicates this process.
You can go further when you realise your true potential
The VALKION has the ability to replicate photosensitisation, an entirely natural process, and to harness the resulting energy. The VALKION delivers Singlet Oxygen Energy in the safely comfort of your own home or office. Experience the VALKION, and you will experience the potential of a process Tony van der Valk had the foresight to recognise many years ago.
Read more..
If you live in Finland I have these at home if you want to buy one. In Sweden and internationally these are hard to come buy and they have a heavy back order = “out of stock”
I use my device all the time. I use it nasally and also oxygenize a glass or two of water every day.
So lets listen to what and WHO we are up against:
October 2, 2020
As the CDC Director (Robert Redfield) over-promises on masks/face coverings using little science to back his claim, Del aligns, once again, with the COVID-19 task force adviser and Stanford University luminary, Dr. Scott Atlas, who won’t stop spewing actual science at every press conference he can get his hands on.
The first thing I did early 2020 when I discovered that there might be a “weaponized” virus unleashed was to set up:
1. defence measures
2. treatment protocols in case I or any of my loved ones get hit
Btw., it really seems like the first attack included a “drop dead” instant effect on some individuals but as far as I know it was just a beta test of the DEWs. But this doesn’t consern us so you can just by pass such if you seen anything on the topic online or regarding any and all related posts I’ve done on social media.
So “if” there’s a “virus” that may either damage you for life or kill you; I had to learn how to neutralize such a virus as soon as it’s in the body. That’s why I bought a Vielight. Secondly, I got PEMF mattresses so I can get the blood flowing also in the micro vains thus flush the system and move the blood through the area I beam with FIR + NIR and
I don’t want to have any foreign active virus in my brain nor in my neurology for that matter. So here’s a snippet from Vielight´s homepage: “Our proprietary transcranial-intranasal design offers an unparalleled advantage for comprehensive brain stimulation.” To see how serious I am about this device and this product I want you to have a look at this clinical trial:
Vielight RX Plus for the Treatment of COVID-19 Respiratory Symptoms (COVIDLight)
During the screening, the potential participant will be asked to upload a copy of their positive COVID-19 infection confirmation report
This is a 30-day, prospective, randomized study, with no blinding. 280 participants will be randomized into two groups: Group 1: Standard of Care; Group 2: Standard of Care + Vielight RX Plus treatment. In Group 2, the Vielight RX Plus will be administered for 20 minutes twice a day, separated by at least 6 hours for the first 5 days. For the subsequent 25 days, treatment will be once per day. The Vielight RX Plus will be positioned over the upper most part of the breastbone to stimulate the thymus gland and within one nostril.
- Time to recovery [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Time to elimination of COVID-19 related symptoms [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Mean number of days with mild COVID-19 related symptoms [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Mean number of days with mild overall respiratory symptoms [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Time to symptom reduction [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Time to elimination of symptoms [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Average number of days with mild respiratory symptoms [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Oxygen saturation [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Hospitalization rate [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
- Mortality [ Time Frame: 30 days ]
I would strongly suggest that you participate if you get diagnozed with COVID-19 in the clinical trial whether you use a Vielight or not. However, if you CAN afford a Vielight.. I’d get it.
So here’s my main point: if someone gets infected the amount of “virus” that tries a hostile take over of cells is pretty small. So WHEN you beam this initiative virus attack it’s a simple and effective solution. When the body is completely high jacked by a virus you’re already sick and it’s way harder to avoid damages and death than being proactive. You don’t even need to know whether you have it, you’ve had it or afraid of getting it when you’re daily rutine is to immerse yourself in an act of defence as a habit. If you happen to live in Finland I have these devices at home and you may buy one from me. They’re 749€ each. I have these ones:
If you can’t afford one I’d go for this model:
it’s 499€
” is a virus causing a disease? “
Thomas Cowan, MD | Why did they ban our book?
@approx. 10 min.: ” no one has isolated and purified the virus! “
@25 min.: ” no isolated virus “
1st of April.. ” Aprils fool ” -ish I knew enough to know the CoVert-1984 was “a Game”
..and we were played! like fools that we are. So as I have studied our history and currently take to measures to reWrite it and publicly post current affairs I have ever since on social media and my Telegram channels posted about my discoveries. I would also like to point out my posts tagged #EMFdetox on Facebook. These posts makes up a survival guide for these times.
I also use ganoderma lucidum more or less every day: it’s very anti-viral. I brew it with chaga in my coffee. Daily morning routine.
Anno 9th Sept.: here is some wierd ping back from bitchute to my site and all embedded bitchute videos are disabled so I turned those on my site I found into a simple link that opens the video in a new browser page for your convenience.
This “Survival Game” put upon us as the Plandemic is a deadly game nonetheless. That is why I labeled and named this page accordingly. As far as what goes to the STRENGTH of you it correlates with the quality of your blood, heart and vains: the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system and so much more. But if your blood and logistic system of the blood is clogged up, stiff and deprived from oxygen, nutritions and your own armed forces to keep you health – well.. you’re not going to last what is ahead. So don’t play this Game with your life on stake. Step out of that equation.
I wouldn´t claim noni fruit (juice!) to be “anti-viral” but it’s for sure a true life savior: I just ordered 10 bottles as first aid “if..” something would hit me or a loved one:
(if you sign up as a partner you’ll get now in Oct. 2020 10 bottles for only 303€)
Facebook (the neonazicommunist 2.o NewWorldOrder Regime) acquired WhatsApp and though WhatsApp was legit and run by decent honest good people.. it’s today part of the SA/SS/gestapo brown jacket organization and WhatsApp helps them profile YOU! All “enemies of the state/NWO” aka the dystopian orwellian occult order aka the pedophilic/parasitic elite will be BLACK LISTed and when and if the Purge starts (it alread has!) it also works to put people in closed wards, death camps and kill lists. hashtag “Seth Rich free” + Julian Assange et al but also low profile players have been neutralized world wide.
WhatsApp vs. signal:
20th of Oct. 2020
– Red October coming til an End..
and more good News: nature do take care of us
Coronaviruses (CoVs) were long thought to only cause mild respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms in humans but outbreaks of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)-CoV, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-CoV-1, and the recently identified SARS-CoV-2 have cemented their zoonotic potential and their capacity to cause serious morbidity and mortality, with case fatality rates ranging from 4 to 35%. Currently, no specific prophylaxis or treatment is available for CoV infections. Therefore we investigated the virucidal and antiviral potential of Echinacea purpurea (Echinaforce®) against human coronavirus (HCoV) 229E, highly pathogenic MERS- and SARS-CoVs, as well as the newly identified SARS-CoV-2, in vitro.
To evaluate the antiviral potential of the extract, we pre-treated virus particles and cells and evaluated remaining infectivity by limited dilution. Furthermore, we exposed cells to the extract after infection to further evaluate its potential as a prophylaxis and treatment against coronaviruses. We also determined the protective effect of Echinaforce® in re-constituted nasal epithelium.
In the current study, we found that HCoV-229E was irreversibly inactivated when exposed to Echinaforce® at 3.2 μg/ml IC50. Pre-treatment of cell lines, however, did not inhibit infection with HCoV-229E and post-infection treatment had only a marginal effect on virus propagation at 50 μg/ml. However, we did observe a protective effect in an organotypic respiratory cell culture system by exposing pre-treated respiratory epithelium to droplets of HCoV-229E, imitating a natural infection. The observed virucidal activity of Echinaforce® was not restricted to common cold coronaviruses, as both SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoVs were inactivated at comparable concentrations. Finally, the causative agent of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 was also inactivated upon treatment with 50μg/ml Echinaforce®.
These results show that Echinaforce® is virucidal against HCoV-229E, upon direct contact and in an organotypic cell culture model. Furthermore, MERS-CoV and both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 were inactivated at similar concentrations of the extract. Therefore we hypothesize that Echinacea purpurea preparations, such as Echinaforce®, could be effective as prophylactic treatment for all CoVs due to their structural similarities.
common law vs. the Parliament and MPs of the U.K.
the direct link to the update of the common law court case against all members of the UK Government by Michael O’Deira from the Bernician:
PEMF or Pulse Electro Magnetic Frequency or Field Therapy has been clinically proven to be a safe and non-invasive way to improve cellular function. Used to stimulate bone repair since the 1970’s PEMF is based on creating small electrical fields, also referred to as short magnetic harmonic impulses in tissue which re-energize cells and promote healing. This is different than delivering an electrical current like those found in a Tens Unit which can burn or shock the user. By shifting the bio-magnetic state of the cell, electrical impulses are actually generated by the cells themselves. This healthy response promotes detoxification of cells and increases nutrient intake and blood flow which creates positive cell regeneration over all.
In addition to stimulating bone repair PEMF has shown positive signs of regeneration of nerve fibers exposed to a lesion and has been used in the treatment of depression. It has also shown therapeutic signs for conditions including those chronic cases spanning years of discomfort. Additionally, the intensity of the pulses can be finetuned so even the most sensitive of patients can benefit from the magnetic field comfortably. Dr. Oz did an episode on PEMF, follow this YouTube link to view that video. Watch and read more.. [ here ]
I have three BEMERs – they are not so powerful but a good support modality.
Hydrolux and Molecular hydrogen (H2)
Zelenko Protocol [ Google search results ]
@ 26 min.:
corruption aka “conflict of interest” within the EU parliament at the highest echelon!