First thing first; you need to read this page all through. Do not listen to the videos and leave out the End. If you do that you fail to see the point here. I am NOT promoting anyone to listen to Dr. Malone, Anthony Fauci or others that are in the end con-structing the false narrative and the false “alternative”. This is a perfect reminder of the network; “all roads lead to Rome” -ish.

The early “disclosure” of Dr. Malone were.. off.

So; you need to tune into his disclosure from March 2022 and onwards; that is crucial to know.



if you do not know who Dr. Malone is..

and “if..” there is mRNA vaccines and “Bio Tech / weapons ” out there..

  • you oughto do due diligence urgently!

jump to @ 25 min. and then listen to the rest: the sweet spot is right there in this video!!

@ 12 – 16 min.: topics: reproduction – sperm – fertility – pregnant women – shedding – cardio issues!

@ 17 min.: FDA approvals


History review of mRNA:

This Malone case is a typical “divide & conquer” puzzle piece.
The pod cast is here:

Joe Rogan and Doctor Robert Malone
I finally got around to listening to it.
It was painful.

It was like listening to two guys who have been pumped through and through with the mainstream narrative and still buy into the bogeyman bug narrative but only question governmental response to it.

Such a Painful listen.

Loved how they went on about how “I had the Delta variant,” “I had the Omicron variant,” “I had ‘long Covid,” and et cetera.

Too funny!
Is there a testing means that differentiates between the variants?

Rogan asked Doctor Malone this but Malone skirted it by saying Delta variant causes hospitalizations while Omicron rarely does. That’s the explanation we are given from a top virologist…

Again, is there a test that differentiates between the “variants?”
Of course not.
The answer is, No.

Was there any talk about the isolation / purification and proof of contagion with the original bogeyman bug and / or the so-called variants?
Of course not.
Because there is none.

So, the vast majority of the talk was based upon an unproven narrative.
It was based on a Big Lie.
And Doctor Robert Malone is a top virologist, who admittedly, has published papers with at least one CIA agent / buddy.
The whole thing stinks.

They brought up some good stuff, especially near the end: flawed testing, jibby-jab “side effects,” VAERS, mass formation psychosis, the social credit system, and so on but if you’re a seeker that has been down this road, the interview was a very painful listen – especially when you have to suffer through over two hours of garbage to get to this point.
Are they controlled op?
Who the hell knows.
They may as well be though.

They actually mention all the athletes dropping in the middle of play due to myocarditis and strokes and Doctor Malone states that some of these cases could be due to the bogeyman bug, the jabs, or a combination.
Too funny.
A doctor …
Thanks for the laugh.
We all know what it’s from.

If one is a total sleeper there are a few good stepping stones to get you going in the right direction, if you’re motivated to find the truth.

Guys like these two are still needed – most people are not going to take the time to research something you give them that comes straight out and proves all of virology is pseudoscience. Sleepers need little baby steps like this.

They’re not likely going to be willing to read “Virus Mania” or AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire,” for example.

Doctor Malone referred to RFK’s book a couple times.
RFK’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” is an awesome book for sleepers – if you can get them to read it. The first four chapters are a painful read for a seeker but are great for sucking a sleeper into some very serious questions to follow throughout the rest of the book.

Hard to believe Doctor Malone has actually read RFK’s book and still believes much in virology.

RFK’s book covers the Flexner Report, the history of Rockefeller medicine, exposes the AIDS sham, references “Virus Mania” several times throughout, and et cetera.
Hard to believe a virologist wouldn’t seriously be questioning virology after reading it.

But then again, Doctor Malone admits that he has worked with every “epidemic” since AIDS, is on friendly terms with Fauci, has gotten funding from NIH, and et cetera.
Huge red flags.

It was painful listening to them describe mass formation psychosis and seeing that they are still very much stuck in it themselves – as long as they’re unwilling to question the very existence of these bogeyman bugs – as long as they’re not willing to hit the brakes and go back to square one.
Doctor Malone goes on about the “gain of function” bioweapon nonsense.

Before you can trot on, claiming that it is a bioweapon, You Have To Prove It Exists.

Sorry, patents and gain of function paper trails are not proof.
Show isolation / purification and proof of contagion.
Sorry, a petri dish soup is not isolation / purification.
Go find me isolation / purification, for starters.
Spoiler Alert: You will not find it.”

– Darris Mishler



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I challenged Robert for a reason! We need people to be straight shooters in these days. 

So; on the 7th of Jan. 2022 I discovered this post by Robert;

I really really would love to see Robert amongst us; the real truth and freedom seekers of the world and I do hope Joe Rogan, Rand Paul et al join us. Urgently.

” A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.  “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”.  This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.

People frequently write to Jill and myself. People we have never met. They call, they arrive at the farm by appointment or unannounced, they fill our email in boxes with their inquiries. They all want something; time, attention, an interview. Many want to tell us about their fear, illness, nightmares, or (what often seems like) outright paranoid conspiracies. And then, over time, these fears and “conspiracies” keep getting confirmed. As Jan Jekielek (a senior editor with The Epoch Times) recently said to me, it is getting harder and harder to tell which ones are mere conspiracy theories and which are true reality.

It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed.  And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes against Humanity” push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to look a lot less quixotic and a lot more prophetic.

FURTHERMORE, we have also been living through the most massive, globally coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human race. All major mass media and the social media technology companies have coordinated to stifle and suppress any discussion of the risks of the genetic vaccines AND/OR alternative early treatments.