First the came for the elderly and weak..
..then they came for all the normal people.
And then they came for the children.
We knew this was coming. We were prepared. But there was nothing to be said to save our loved ones that were hypnotized. They all lined up for the “Final Solution”. The End Game.

The Third World War was different from all the wars in known history. Though we knew, that bioweapons had been used before on so many occasions it was seldom illustrated to the general public in documentaries. Not enough at least so that the common people would see what was coming. And never ever before was the hole world population targeted like this.

In early 2020 we prepared to face a high contagious deadly virus. We exited the society and did our research. We protected ourselves according to P4 lab standards. We prepped and stored food, water.. and ordered gear for protection and instruments and gadgets to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections diagnosed as COVID-19. We expected that the biowarfare would hit us bad. But it didn’t take long before we had uncovered the C0Vert-1984 Ops and realized that the virus was a Trojan horse and the vaccine was the weapon of massdestruction.
We paid also attention to the masks and the PCR schwabs and suspect vile intentions; intentions to break the natural immunity so that the actual bioweapon would be more effective and the people more susceptive. We also suspected that the PCR schwabs were contaminated as they were pointed at many nerve endings close to the brain and glands. Contaminated masks would also make people weak. Contimination in this sense may be just “plastic” particles that were NEVER meant to be microdosed on a daily basis like people did for months on end.
At first we were extremely careful not to run into “patient zero and one..” in grocery stores or any other public place. We didn’t go to work and avoided at all cost meeting people. As we realized that the SARS-CoV-2 actually turned back to common flu in just a few generations from patient zero and one we knew that no measures by the new world Order governments would actually STOP a virus. At the same time it was only dangerous to people that had specific attributes. Which meant that all the resources should be have put on mapping these people; and protect and serve (treat) them. Instead of flushing public service money into the PCR tests making it a Rothschilds´ milking cow.
First we thought the zombie apocalypse was about the infected people; from a weaponized virus.
But then we realized it was the vaccinated that were to be the “corona zombies”.
We know and knew from the “H1N1” P(l)andemic that there is an agenda to vaccinate all the people in the world.
Except.. some.
In the Bible (paraphrazing, I guess) it says;
” the meek shall inherit the Earth “
Those who scripted the C0Vert-1984 Ops wrote in the fine print non-disclosed to the general public that *They* are ” the meek “. They hi-jack the prophecies and re*Create* everything in their own image. They are the pretend-to-be *Gods of the world*. When *They* come for the un-vacced the End Game is to infect and inject everyone.
As you know having subscribed to my channels; the agenda is roughly two-fold;
- to hi-jack humanity and have totalitarian control.
- *They* can get rid of anyone that is either useless or opposing their New World Order (nazicommunism 2.0). You’re either obedient useful idiot or an insider and part of the parasitic *elite*.
Or.. at best just a ” freak..! ”
But we’re on the brink to be labelled as..
” a terrorist “
After 9/11 George W Bush Jr said it frankly;
” you’re either with us..!
..or against us “
Many heroes united with the *DarkSide* as they pulled one of the most epic false flags in modern times. 1st of April 2020 I published on my social media that the..
“COVID-19” is the Great False Flag of our times
Bug out
There will come a time if this is played out that the people who thrive on a natural way HAVE TO bug out from the Zombie Apocalypse. As the “Corona Zombies” will have any reason to come after the un-vacced; the pure blood.
Obviously the main “reason” will be incepted early on so that the Corona Zombies will be scared of the un-vacced. As they be-lie-ve the lie that..
” it’s the un-vacced that spread the virus “
The next P(l)andemic is from the vaccines!
And the plandemic starts most probably from a virus or germ the vacced themselves contracted via injections – the vaccine(-s)!
What I have written in this blog post as of 14th of Oct. 2021; this very text – has been clear to me back in March 2020.
I all along kind of have hoped that it’s science.. fiction.
Still do. But it ain’t. So now I can only hope that the people of Earth will wake up to this and put an End to it. I can’t. Not alone at least. And those who know are cancel cultured.
So it’s up to you now ; ) to awaken and share the insights.
Today I follow closely how the military world wide inject the troops and defence forces as well as.. peace keepers. How teachers.. the medical and health care.. and front liners that up hold the infrastructure of our societes and communities are infected and contaminated by massive roll outs by vaccine mandates, “5G” and the BigBrother totalitarian tracking and control machine. Soon there will be hardly any bug out safe havens left. Anywhere. Anytime.
This is where our last stand will be. Those who will survive living in freedom somewhere on Earth healthy and sane are.. and will be..
” the meek that shall inherit the Earth “
Added on the 17th of March 2022:
timer set @ 18 min.:
#EMFdetox and the Cell name dropped approx. @ 23 min.:
Zelenko and full disclosure