I am going to make a post with a few videos. The videos doesn’t necessarily express my views on the issues but it sure gives STRONG signals on where we are at.
What is for sure is that the New World Order; the ancient architecture of something utterly evil; the Dark Side of humanity uses WHO, U.N., WHO, Sercret Service, three letter agencies like MI6, CIA, FBI, FDA, NIH and so on as the establishment that will be turned into the BEAST system: the Anti Christ Reign.
We can debate what “Christ” is and in what sense we can define what “Anti” Christ really is.
But some people are inclined towards.. an Islamic State, CCP China Reign, 3rd Reich nazi Germany, Sovjet Union and tons of other examples on communism.. these hive mind pyramide schemes are radical and extremely dystopic. Like DDR.
But we tend to see this mental disorders in “romantic” relationships as well; in different communities, sport teams, work places.. states.. and cults and organized religions.
Many times we can choose our “romantic” relationships, where we live, what job we have and so on. At least as priviliged “westerns” and clearly Finland is “part of the west” which has been a representation of independence, freedom of choice, social welfare, truth seeking, democracy etc etc.
But soon we will have none of that. The only freedom is based on compliance to the doctrines of the New World Order; The BEAST.
The truthers has been shamed BANNED and BLOCKED for..
” conspiracy theories “
Those who hate on us either believe or created these conspiracy theories presented in this video. This is a perfect mind control propaganda video in true 1984 orwellian #NWO style..
It blame someone else for what *They* are doing!
NWO mind control:
This is a good example a couple of years back how Wesley Clark is mind con trolling the general public with the narrative/propagande. Wesley Clark who is a long term NWO puppet. A warmongerer and have the lives of over a million human beings on his bloody hands. A typical leader of the Bush era. Including John Kerry, Joe Biden, John McCain, Donald Rumsfeld.. of many tried to be become POTUS of which Joe Biden, George W. Bush and his son George W. Jr. Bush became POTUS. Public figures of the Deep State; the Cabal.
Remember that the New World Order has tried to stage the war with Russia for a very long time. In the end it was these three operators in Ukraine that actuated the war with Russia while Zelensky was initially elected to be the president to have a peaceful solution with Russia! And then became fuilty rich by his obedience to the NWO.
- Lindsey Graham
- John McCain
- Victoria Nuland
- Iraq
- Syria
- Lebanon
7. Iran
More war prepping..
Russia attacked Ukraine in an act of preventing aggressions from “the west” in the east of Ukraine and Crimea. Now NATO USA NWO claims they are not aggressors but into prevention. While not mentioning the prespective from the Russian side. Russia is and has been under attack for a very long time. That is also why North Korea and CCP China has invested in WAR POWER as well as Israel.
How come “the west” is so psychopathic? and hypocratic? Is there no sane people in power anymore in the whole west? It’s a warmongering mass hysteria. Do Europe really need its 3rd World War? Well the thing is that Europe has always been in “world wars” more or less. In other terms;
we never learn!
On the topic: Two sane people having a sane discussion:
Do NOT EXPECT the mainstream News have any sane people in their “shit shows” and propaganda feed!
Journalism in mainstream News is dead and/or corrupted and/or cuckoo.
Long live authentic journalism, dignity, honesty, sanity, modesty and the truth;
..though people may say this is “written in the stars / prophecies / doctrines”
I’d say; we can STOP THIS!
It should be by now OBVIOUS that Zelensky has been INTENTIONAL to BREAK & CROSS all the Russian Red Lines to provoce Russia into the #WW3
In this speech he says that *They* (the Ukrainians) crossed a RED LINE.
Why is Zelensky HELL BENT on getting Europe and USA into WW3?