Kamala and Bots – the nazicommunism 2.0
” Theatre ” and bots Many of the Psy Ops incl. Mockingbird media and alt. media are mil tech + operated by TAX payers funding and run by the (“shadow”) […]
agent Smith and the Matrix
agent Smith syndrome / protocoll over rides intelligence and hi-jacks the mind when triggered. Most people are not able to break these mind con troll programs.
IBM and the nazis 2.0 – history on repeat
history repeats itself.. it’s just the tech that evolves..
the jab and Ascension
20/20 the Year of the splits;20/20 was also the Year of ClearVision = 20/20– some of us knew the plot. And a year has gone by according to “the Plan”. […]
Elon Musk on the “News” media
Elon Musk, the distorted truth, and who owns the media Published: BobShanahan May 31, 2018 Just over a week ago now, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk declared that “The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big […]
” cancel culture ” on Facebook
There are many perspectives related to the concept of insulation: but here is a general definition If a person or group is insulated from the rest of society or from […]
Cell – Hollywood´s way to say HEADS UP – WW3/Z is coming or ENTER-tain-ment (“Black Mirror”)
Oracle Girl – The End of Death
Oracle Girl12th feb. 2021 This is not just the death of the financial system. It is the death of you as you have known yourself. A small group think you […]
Soviet Union, U.N. and the nazicommunism 2.0 exposed