” it’s a conspiracy theory..! ” 
– they said

I said; ” it’s NOT a theory “



The robot does the following:

– Vaccine passport certification
– Mask checking
– Temperature checking
– [ non-disclosed features ] 


We know that WHO is one of the ” bureaucratic ” engines for the machine. WHO is part of the dictations that con troll the global schene regarding the Big Brother technocratic Regime: the nazicommunism 2.0; ” a New World Order ” that has been in the making for decades.. basically drafted in the 1930s – 1940s and was also the source to sci fi books like George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley´s a Brave New World. Now we can see the roll out of a freak “hybrid”. The global nazi elite knew back then that the time was not right and chouse to stick to the Big Bank hegenomy basically until the 2000s. Dubai and CCP China was the “early birds” on a mass scale to go extreme Big Brother on its citizens. 




This press release from WHO is about a tech to pretty make sure that *They* in the end can detect anyone who is not infected/injected/infused with the transhumanism “particles”.

It’s all about the hybridization program to turn us all into “living” devices of the “Internet”/Metaverse/Matrix aka humankind 2.0




I’ve said from Day 0 that this has nothing to do with extremely dangerous or/and deadly “virus” 



I urge people to start doing due diligence with this perspective; that the fear mongering is just a scapegoat. Unfortunately there is no real News media taking on the Truth as it is nor do the common people have any concept of history nor the intent and content of old sayings like scapegoat. It’s a suitable term;


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In the Bible, a scapegoat is one of two kid goats. As a pair, one goat was sacrificed (not a scapegoat) and the living “scapegoat” was released into the wilderness, taking with it all sins and impurities. The concept first appears in Leviticus, in which a goat is designated to be cast into the desert to carry away the sins of the community.

Then Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressions, all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and sending it away into the wilderness by means of someone designated for the task. The goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to a barren region; and the goat shall be set free in the wilderness.

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