I am probably not the only one investigating our real reality and the transhumanistic movement and evolution of our species as CRISP tech and rna “vaccines” and reprogramming of humans is not just on the sketch board:
here is an interesting key node:
here another key node: of biblical proportions: aka the “scorpion” or what was it called in the scripture prophecies: how humankind is about to get connected to the Matrix. In the Biblical texts there will be a split: that seem to happen NOW: WARNING – the video is booooooooooooring..

It starts with “the sick..”
– people who are desperate are those who will fall victim to this Matrix. Then there is obviously the “biohackers” and transhumanists. These two groups are on the frontier of the cyborg evolution of mankind. 

There is obviously a friendly potential to all this but as long as Elon Musk and academia is in the End directed and dictated by the Cabal; the naziRegime that has been in control for a very long time we are still just continuing “evolving” into a dystopic DarkAge. So; I strongly suggest people who are now playing around with reprogramming themselves and their environment to stay #offgrid.

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