The problem is not the 1% of the 1%
aka the Master of Puppets rulers


the 99% who are enslaved
and so..
by choice

due to..

What “Legacy” is on Hillary’s agenda? It’s a continuation plan. She is a player / slave / puppet of the New World Order.

What about Trump..?

What.. about.. the other parties? Most people are, excuse my French, STUPID enough not to realize that USA is not a two-party democrazy nor republic.. but a simple tyranny-imperium-oligarchy. But could be represented by the people for the people. But the people are asleep..

..thus the FED-bankers-Soros-Skull-and-Bones-Rothschilds-Kissinger-Clintons-Bush and the top of the Bilderberger pyramid in Europe etc own USA, own Europe, and try to own the whole wide world! And they for sure own most of your friends! perhaps.. even you!

As far as the upcoming election is concerned; the next president of the United States

There are other parties than the democrats and republicans – but the news media are totally owned by the *illuminaty* aka “all-seeing-eye” expressed as the eye on top of the pyramid on the dollar bill. The TV broad cast only two choices and thus – either way – they stay as rulers.

” blue blood lines ” ..the 1% of the 1% white rabbit w shadow

Listen to Charlie Chaplin..



quick fix:

EXIT 3D reality
disassociate from the tyranny common man label as “the New World Order”
disassociate from IMF and Fed dollar
disassociate from the industrial food and chemicals
do not use syntethics in any form
disassociate from sects, rules, laws, religions, and all kind of hierachies that are not resonating with you 100%
disassociate from poltical parties who are not resonating with you 100%
do not follow
have no followers

move into higher dimensions – multidimensions – 5D and higher frequencies and vibrations
go biodynamic, organic
contribute to fair living conditions (people, all sentient beings of nature and the animal kingdom as well as the unseen entities who inhabit earth and cosmos)
live in peace
enjoy unconditional love and christ consciousness
use only what is 100% biodegradable, 100% recycle-able, and healthy for you and ‘all there is’

anything less than 100% is a negative
what is not at zero point and on the positive side strive to realize it and you will thrive

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