interesting how the “Holy woodland” Stars and Demon-crazy nazicommunistic global elite rejoice the “News” media declaration that Biden – Kamala won. In such a desperate fashion that they embrace the emerging New World Order so much that they don´t care was the reality in favour of Trump. If the truth about the election was ever to be broad cast on main stream media the people of the Earth will get to know that this pedophile parasite elite de facto rigged it in such a fashion that when they now say Biden had a record high support.. it will quite the opposite show that never ever before has a president won this clearly – but it was Trump who had the votes. And what Biden – Kamala claim as theirs was as fake as the Fake News that declared them as winners. Even though they used Facebook etc. to claim that Trump nor anyone can claim himself a winner before.. it’s set. However; what Facebook etc disclaimers all over the place said no one can do (targeting Trump!) *they* did when the time was ripe. And it was News media that declared Biden a winner.

So: those prime ministers and presidents and “Holy woodland” stars that congratulated early.. lite between 7th and 9th of Nov. pretty much exposed themselves as the Puppets of this Cabal; New World Order. What they woun´t expose is the *wicked* behind the curtains. 

If democracy is the means of the people. The people that now declare Biden – Kamala, aka “DNC” must understand that the people have no power at all. And all the people of the world must understand that this was a big day for the nazicommunism 2.0; Big Pharma, Big Money, the Death cult, “Loosh!” -harvesters, the Cabal, the DeepState, the Swamp, the child traffickers, CCP, aka “business as usual..”

This also means that it will be much much easier to roll out the Big Brother “5g” which includes not only mind control but reprogramming of the mind in true “1984” fashion, reprogramming of our DNA/rna, transhumanism, fake transgenderism, sodom & gomorra, wichcraft in the white house and other extreme darkness, the escalation of the war of the religions especially the war on christianity since that religion is what under no circumstances these *wicked* can stand. 

So all people celebrating Biden – Kamala is celebrating the worst of the worst amongst humanity; *evil*

The world will continue it’s path that sure can be showcased on the Big Screens and on NetFlix. It’s as horrible and dark as the mind of the Stephen King. 

On the TV News in Finland they mention that Biden – Kamala push for “free Corona tests” for the Americans. And more masks etc. I will obviously keep on exposing the real agendas behind the C0Vert-1984. Stay tuned.


You’d also think that Stephen King would have processed some of his shadow through his horror novels, but looks like…

Posted by Bernhard Guenther on Sunday, 8 November 2020

Nyla on YouTube: watch it before it’s gone:

Aussie Police Waking up, French attacking Police, Voter Fraud exposed & Sting operation under way


critical update

YouTube killed it!
it was DELETED basically the instant I posted it on social media platforms.
So.. here you go:
You’re Welcome



YouTube is fighting Nyla on its platform so you can tune into her channel on bitchute instead. The above mentioned video regarding the election in USA is not on there (yet..!?)$/search?q=Steve%20Pieczenik


News Media can or can´t set who´s the next
of the United States of America
time to call out the realFake News“:


And Tucker Carlson predicted it:




How can you detect a rigged election..


Mind you: the Biden votes were physical mail votes and so far nothing about a digital hack/fraud. The real votes were encrypted with a “water mark” so all extra votes are thus hoax-fraud votes. And these seem to be all in favor for Biden! 


Tucker Carlson on the 9th of Nov. 2020:
good review of current affairs:

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