There is not that many that during the last years have got to the core of what times we live now.. the A and O; Alpha and Omega. The big […]
agent Smith and the Matrix
agent Smith syndrome / protocoll over rides intelligence and hi-jacks the mind when triggered. Most people are not able to break these mind con troll programs.
the jab and Ascension
20/20 the Year of the splits;20/20 was also the Year of ClearVision = 20/20– some of us knew the plot. And a year has gone by according to “the Plan”. […]
Oracle Girl – The End of Death
Oracle Girl12th feb. 2021 This is not just the death of the financial system. It is the death of you as you have known yourself. A small group think you […]
Soviet Union, U.N. and the nazicommunism 2.0 exposed
EXIT the Matrix statement by Keanu Reeves
“ The human race has been enslaved for thousands of years ” Keanu Reeves said while filming in the Mojave Desert, explaining that “ ..we have been kept […]
Law of Attraction
2012 was the Year when I realized that the Secret was true.. before that the Law of Attraction made my life miserable. 2012 was the Year I lived in “5D” […]
the Future is to be an IoT device in a “simulation” = the Matrix
” Not everyone is going to the future.. “sang Madonna in Eurovision held in Is-Ra-El. Watch the video below. The mRNA “vaccine” is all about prepping humankind to the transhumanism […]
Google, wetiko and the nazicommunism 2.0
once upon a time I did a lot of work with Google.. today; Google is part of the C0Vert-1984 totalitarian orwellian dystopic roll out of the nazicommunism 2.0 […]
Life after the World War CoronaZombie Apocalypse /w Dr. Zach Bush MD @ Aubrey Marcus podcast
@ 33 min.: what the “churches/gurus/religions” of those in control DO NOT want YOU to here: Review: