Feb. 2020 I said; ” Follow the money.. “ but also to review the preorders on COVID-19 testkits which we had downloaded the proof (databases!) and the patents. The “COVID-19” […]
” time to draw blood.. “
there will be blood..
You’re looking at the blood routes in the human body. Here are the schematics for the blood vessels. There are over 160 thousand kilometres in each of […]
the human “pre-condition” – the world is an open psyche ward
the human “pre-condition” ..that leads to all problems in the world; self -ish -ness. It is the root to all evil. But.. most people are not aware of their own […]
Klaus Schwab, WEF, and the nazicommunism 2.0
So I got a hit by the nazicommunists 2.0 “Ministry of Truth” 1984 for posting THIS on one of my Facebook pages: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Bill-Gates-wants-spray… THINK ABOUT IT!!!! it was just a […]
“check mate” on humanity
WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi306953753 EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
A.I. = artificial intelligence – the Terminator
so at what stage are we officially? Answer: remember the Terminator? palantir.com / Peter Thiel is the real sky net! Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and 4 others […]
The Differences Between Third and Fifth Dimensional Relationships
The Differences Between Third and Fifth Dimensional Relationships Fifth dimensional relationships generate freedom and joy. Each relationship is an investment in the people, places, and kingdoms of nature that […]
heart and cardiovascular disease time to say; “no! no more..!!” Question: in which direction are you going? are you getting younger or.. sick & tired? Read more![ open ]