The West Is Burning By Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant Centuries ago, the walls of Jerusalem were broken down by Nebuchadnezzar, and its gates were burned with fire. When Nehemiah […]
Law of Attraction
2012 was the Year when I realized that the Secret was true.. before that the Law of Attraction made my life miserable. 2012 was the Year I lived in “5D” […]
the Future is to be an IoT device in a “simulation” = the Matrix
” Not everyone is going to the future.. “sang Madonna in Eurovision held in Is-Ra-El. Watch the video below. The mRNA “vaccine” is all about prepping humankind to the transhumanism […]
Life after the World War CoronaZombie Apocalypse /w Dr. Zach Bush MD @ Aubrey Marcus podcast
@ 33 min.: what the “churches/gurus/religions” of those in control DO NOT want YOU to here: Review:
the human “pre-condition” – the world is an open psyche ward
the human “pre-condition” ..that leads to all problems in the world; self -ish -ness. It is the root to all evil. But.. most people are not aware of their own […]
the Truthers and Freedom seekers in an alliance..
“check mate” on humanity
WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
Santa’s demons are out..
There are the times of Judgement Day and the Armageddon of *self* we are now moving out of *selfishness* as in me with my protégés vs. the prey to °unity […]
The Differences Between Third and Fifth Dimensional Relationships
The Differences Between Third and Fifth Dimensional Relationships Fifth dimensional relationships generate freedom and joy. Each relationship is an investment in the people, places, and kingdoms of nature that […]