Meanwhile in.. a land called kakistocrazy! 🇫🇮 Kakistokratia viittaa hallintoon, jonka päätöksenteossa ovat yhteiskunnan kaikkein tyhmimmät, häikäilemättömimmät ja vähiten pätevät kansalaiset. Sanan käyttö yleistyi 1600-luvun loppupuolella, ja […]
WARNING – you’re compromised by your laptop..
Two weeks ago they implemented a new weaponized “Big Tech” as part of what I have been writing WARNINGS about for a looong time; the “5G” a.i. cyBORG IoT VR/AR […]
the MOST IMPORTANT VIDEOs in the now
Sane and healthy people are the back bone of any and all societies in the world. What happens when there is a clear intent to break that back bone? Why […]
Oracle Girl – The End of Death
Oracle Girl12th feb. 2021 This is not just the death of the financial system. It is the death of you as you have known yourself. A small group think you […]
Stephen King – Biden – Kamala
interesting how the “Holy woodland” Stars and Demon-crazy nazicommunistic global elite rejoice the “News” media declaration that Biden – Kamala won. In such a desperate fashion that they embrace the […]
“God” that so many worship is a “virus” in the Matrix
what if.. “God” that so many worship is a “virus” in the Matrix? @ 1:06 Chris Neo on that topic @ 1:35 I have been trying to tell people (all […]
“check mate” on humanity
WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
3D theatre = ” hell “
Napoleon Hill wrote a book in the 1930s that was never published. The book is titled: Outwitting the Devil. The book is now Published. 3D theatre = ” hell […]