Feb. 2020 I said; ” Follow the money.. “ but also to review the preorders on COVID-19 testkits which we had downloaded the proof (databases!) and the patents. The “COVID-19” […]
” Paradise Lost.. “
There is not that many that during the last years have got to the core of what times we live now.. the A and O; Alpha and Omega. The big […]
Google, wetiko and the nazicommunism 2.0
once upon a time I did a lot of work with Google.. today; Google is part of the C0Vert-1984 totalitarian orwellian dystopic roll out of the nazicommunism 2.0 […]
the human “pre-condition” – the world is an open psyche ward
the human “pre-condition” ..that leads to all problems in the world; self -ish -ness. It is the root to all evil. But.. most people are not aware of their own […]
there is no cure for the wicked: the psychos
I have been studied this psyche ward aka “Life on Earth” – and I haven´t found a single psycho that would have been healed. Not a single name and none […]
3D theatre = ” hell “
Napoleon Hill wrote a book in the 1930s that was never published. The book is titled: Outwitting the Devil. The book is now Published. 3D theatre = ” hell […]
the *parasitic elite* – know thy enemy
History “repeats itself” ..no.. it is actually the same players playing the same Game. This game creates what I call the Lucifer’s Domain or alt. the Devil’s Game. Especially in […]
the Matrix consumes you..
I have been studying the dynamics of the Matrix for quite some time. How it is run, by how and how it creates the reality as we percieve it. It […]
people that are inherently evil
when do we create *evil* people..? and how do we “fight” evil? The term ‘just war’ is an internal contradiction. War is inherently unjust, and the great challenge of our […]
attunement – Teal Swan
guest post and much appreciated – much of love Teal Swan<3 relationship and attunement