Why not spread a “vaccine” like a “virus”?– what if that was what in fact happened during the armies world championships in China 2019?– and again in the Winter Olympics […]
WARNING – you’re compromised by your laptop..
Two weeks ago they implemented a new weaponized “Big Tech” as part of what I have been writing WARNINGS about for a looong time; the “5G” a.i. cyBORG IoT VR/AR […]
this is why the Psy Op: C0Vert-1984 was rolled out.. it’s part of the ” economic reset ” and part of an ” New World Order ” / ” […]
* WARNING * the “5G” a.i. VR/AR IoT Matrix is online
ENTER tain.. aka “Black Mirror” most people don’t know the meanings of words. Or what Holy Wood “Land” is. Part of the Plandemic and the orwellian dystopian roll out […]
“check mate” on humanity
WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi306953753 EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
“5G” IoT a.i. Matrix
The disinformation and the DarkOnes try to censor and discredit the whistleblowers and the people bringing dark into light. The third world war WW3 is a hidden war – though […]