ENTER tain.. aka “Black Mirror” most people don’t know the meanings of words. Or what Holy Wood “Land” is. Part of the Plandemic and the orwellian dystopian roll out […]
CRISPR – End Game – übermenschen
0/I = binary CRISPR programming with DNA/rna What’s the “rna string” for identifying SARS-CoV-2? What’s the code for the rna -vaccines? aka “the Cure” lets go Q U A N […]
“check mate” on humanity
WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi306953753 EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
the C0Vert-1984 and the Matrix – the REAL Matrix..
I have been posting about this for years and.. #EMFdetox etc and go organic Ascension to EXIT the “5G” C0Vert-1984 IoT a.i. VR/AR Matrix. Sofia Smallstorm is an […]
chemtrails STOP
Q – Trump admin said they would end the spraying.. some said. In 2019 I noticed it kind of came to an End. Still I heard reports from different places […]
from Civil “unrest” to Civil War
Joe Rogan – Steven Crowder Infiltrated Antifa.. this video in retrospective and then this: Did Steve Bannon mean.. literally.. – what he said as last words?🕳🌐🌊🇺🇸🦅 cause he […]
the American 20/20 Civil War unmasked
pic source [ here ] a Russian professor and political scientist best known for predicting in 1998 that the United States would disintegrate… Posted by Kim’s iwikimi .com on Thursday, 3 […]
CRISPR and neuralink
I am probably not the only one investigating our real reality and the transhumanistic movement and evolution of our species as CRISP tech and rna “vaccines” and reprogramming of humans […]
” there is no Corona..! “
⚡️THE SPIRITUAL WAR INTENSIFIES ⚡️ This is why it happened… Posted by Bernhard Guenther on Thursday, 13 August 2020
is illuminati “real”?
in these times the only way to discredit disclosure is to control disclosure in any means and ways. thus, since 2006 when I got badly red pilled I realized it […]