You don’t need AI ..just common sense and knowledge to know that BBC is the propaganda outlet for the Big Bank/Money/industrial military complex and the globalist parasitic predatory elite.. Elon […]
Kamala and Bots – the nazicommunism 2.0
” Theatre ” and bots Many of the Psy Ops incl. Mockingbird media and alt. media are mil tech + operated by TAX payers funding and run by the (“shadow”) […]
Twitter and the brown jackets.. a nazi´s wetdream #C0Vert-1984
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more 1984, Twitter just introduced a new feature called “birdwatch” where agent Smiths now have an option to report your tweets when they […]
The disinformation and the DarkOnes try to censor and discredit the whistleblowers and the people bringing dark into light. The third world war WW3 is a hidden war – though […]