I am going to make a post with a few videos. The videos doesn’t necessarily express my views on the issues but it sure gives STRONG signals on where we […]
in Finnish – Ukrainan sota – osa 2
Ukrainan sota; n. sata vuotta sitten oli Sovjet unioni (“kommunismi”) ja nazit. Suomi tekii liiton naziSaksan ja Hitlerin kanssa ja lopulta hääti ne ja kiitokseksi nazit poltti Rovaniemen jne. Suomalaiset […]
in Finnish – Ukrainan sota
Olen aina sanonut, että jos Hillary Clinton olisi valittu presidentiksi niin sota Venäjän kanssa oli 100 -varma. Saatiin siis elää ilman “Venäjän Uhkaa” sen aikaa kun presidenttinä oli Trump ja […]
the WAR in Ukraine – on a need to know basis
25th of April 2022: We all know there are special kind of stupid people that think the narrative is the truth of the matters and they protect that truth […]
sheep barn – slaughter of citizens in a Kakistocracy
Meanwhile in.. a land called kakistocrazy! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakistocracy 🇫🇮 Kakistokratia viittaa hallintoon, jonka päätöksenteossa ovat yhteiskunnan kaikkein tyhmimmät, häikäilemättömimmät ja vähiten pätevät kansalaiset. Sanan käyttö yleistyi 1600-luvun loppupuolella, ja […]
Heiko and Ursula von der Leyen – corrupt liers
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heiko_von_der_Leyen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen = EUvjet + Big Pharma = a conspiracy FACT! https://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/a-new-controversy-erupts-around-ursula-von-der-leyen-s-text-messages-a-6510951f-e8dc-4468-a0af-2ecd60e77ed9 Lets dive deeper..
Big Brother / Tech – 1984 –
” it’s a conspiracy theory..! ” – they said I said; ” it’s NOT a theory “ COVID SURVEILLANCE ROBOTS START ROLLING OUT IN EUROPE! The robot does the following: […]
Jutta Urpilainen + EUvjet = True!
Never forgetNever forgive nazicommunism 2.0 show these *evil*wicced* “people” som “love” on Twitter.. https://twitter.com/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1448351552742232070 Ending the COVID-19 pandemic and building back better will require joint efforts from all actors. Good […]
The Great New Normal …….the Purge
The Great New Normal …….the PurgeAnalysis by C. J. Hopkins snippet:So, the Great New Normal Purge has begun … right on cue, right by the numbers. As we “paranoid conspiracy […]
the jab is the bioweapon
First the came for the elderly and weak.. ..then they came for all the normal people. And then they came for the children. We knew this […]