News 🧻 … 🎙📻📺📰 made Biden-Kamala POTUS and legitimize the Black Witchcraft / Black Magicians fraudulent take over of the White House The New […]
A different perspective on the US election by a patriot
A different perspective on the US election. This is a very interesting read. Ok….let me clearly explain what’s going on. I am in shock right now by so many of […]
the mask is torture
the “mask” is a symbol a symbol of “obey” SLAVE “ it’s also a way of weakening and torture in 2013.. yes; 7 years ago.. this was Published: […]
Stephen King – Biden – Kamala
interesting how the “Holy woodland” Stars and Demon-crazy nazicommunistic global elite rejoice the “News” media declaration that Biden – Kamala won. In such a desperate fashion that they embrace the […]
Civil War 2.0 planned by the nazicommunistparty´s puppets
full story in text and video: Winter is Coming /GoT aka Civil War 2.0 @ 14:00 and “gestapo” -lists: Targeting persons! Millie on Twitter: OBS: Twitter and YouTube […]
this is why the Psy Op: C0Vert-1984 was rolled out.. it’s part of the ” economic reset ” and part of an ” New World Order ” / ” […]
* WARNING * the “5G” a.i. VR/AR IoT Matrix is online
ENTER tain.. aka “Black Mirror” most people don’t know the meanings of words. Or what Holy Wood “Land” is. Part of the Plandemic and the orwellian dystopian roll out […]
forbidden or for Biden.. different rules in the Game for different players
A friend of mine wrote: ” I thought having “electronic assistance“ in the Presidential Candidate’s debate yesterday was forbidden?… oh, maybe the Democrats misunderstood and they read “Forbidden” as “For Biden”!? Biden […]
chemtrails STOP
Q – Trump admin said they would end the spraying.. some said. In 2019 I noticed it kind of came to an End. Still I heard reports from different places […]
World War 3 / Z = Australia first
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