the “mask” is a symbol 

a symbol of “obey” SLAVE “
it’s also a way of weakening and torture
in 2013.. yes; 7 years ago.. this was Published:
pic source: the Guardian
featured pic source:

but also the disinfection that people are supposed to put on their hands not only kills our first line of Defence: our own bacteria flora is our first line of Defense but the disinfectants also enters our blood stream.
You have to be special kind of stupid not to understand that what you put on your skin will enter your blood.
Lets take on the topic of the test kids swabs another time. But shortly: I will not do a “Corona” depopulation program test nor take the rna/DNA “vaccine” aka reprogramming of the human genome.
Listen more about the vaccine [ here ]
Read more about the hazmat suit [ here ]

Dangers of Breathing in MicroPlastics found in MASKS
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