I have been wondering why “PV” (Puolustus Voimat) – the Defence Forces of Finland (that every man and volunteer women belongs to in this country) are jabbing the soldiers and then the New World Government of Finland is jabbing the future generations to defend a supposed-to-be sovereign and independent country.

Those who have seen Trump as some Messiah or saviour has put a blind eye to the fact he was promoting “WARP SPEED” which is the quickening of connecting the American population to the..

” 5G ” a.i. cyBORG IoT VR/AR Matrix. The Matrix is all about totalitarian control of the human kind and the jabs are to “up-grade” the world population into humanity 2.0 cyborgs (“bio-drones” aka “the harvest” aka C0Vert-1984 Zombie Apocalypse).

Here is one of the few calling out Trump and what he did and is still doing. Many of the “Republic” are still as they say “pro-vaccine” but ignoring the fact that the jab is NOT a vaccine. It’s mind control to have people believe that; quackery. That’s why it’s a quackccine. It’s all about connecting EVERYONE and their dog to the Matrix. 

Listen also to Trump’s Doctor here:
http://iwikimi.com/iam/liiiirum-laaarum/ = we are in war = WW3/Z


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