The Voice of God ..or voice to skull.. mil tech was used in Iraq as the ground troops rolled in and basically all causalities among the coalition troops were from […]
* WARNING * the “5G” a.i. VR/AR IoT Matrix is online
ENTER tain.. aka “Black Mirror” most people don’t know the meanings of words. Or what Holy Wood “Land” is. Part of the Plandemic and the orwellian dystopian roll out […]
“check mate” on humanity
WATCH and listen.. just the trailer! on this page: EXIT Facebook! HOWEVER…!!To me Facebook started when I lived in Montreal. It was like 2009 -ish and friends invited each […]
the C0Vert-1984 and the Matrix – the REAL Matrix..
I have been posting about this for years and.. #EMFdetox etc and go organic Ascension to EXIT the “5G” C0Vert-1984 IoT a.i. VR/AR Matrix. Sofia Smallstorm is an […]
chemtrails STOP
Q – Trump admin said they would end the spraying.. some said. In 2019 I noticed it kind of came to an End. Still I heard reports from different places […]
“5G” IoT a.i. Matrix
A.I. = artificial intelligence – the Terminator
so at what stage are we officially? Answer: remember the Terminator? / Peter Thiel is the real sky net! Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and 4 others […]
debunking religions
different churches and religions have effective MIND CONTROL on the people. They tune the frequencies – the essence of a unique individual on the physical plane according to what the […]
Activating your DNA awakens you to your multi-dimensional self, the self known as the Higher Self. It becomes possible to manifest anything in your life that you wish to manifest […]
attunement – Teal Swan
guest post and much appreciated – much of love Teal Swan<3 relationship and attunement