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Cali fornication – the wild fires + disclosure
picture source: Google search 5g mind control Included in the .mp3 audio: the wild fires in USA free water in Libya; the 8th world wonder was man made crimson mist […]
is illuminati “real”?
in these times the only way to discredit disclosure is to control disclosure in any means and ways. thus, since 2006 when I got badly red pilled I realized it […]
3D theatre = ” hell “
Napoleon Hill wrote a book in the 1930s that was never published. The book is titled: Outwitting the Devil. The book is now Published. 3D theatre = ” hell […]
the World War 3 and disclosure
Since 2006 I have been disclosing the DarkSide and the Awakening. It wasn’t until ten years later we hit tipping point and momentum was reaches towards setting human kind […]
“5G” IoT a.i. Matrix
the *parasitic elite* – know thy enemy
History “repeats itself” it is actually the same players playing the same Game. This game creates what I call the Lucifer’s Domain or alt. the Devil’s Game. Especially in […]
the Matrix consumes you..
I have been studying the dynamics of the Matrix for quite some time. How it is run, by how and how it creates the reality as we percieve it. It […]
A.I. = artificial intelligence – the Terminator
so at what stage are we officially? Answer: remember the Terminator? / Peter Thiel is the real sky net! Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and 4 others […]
banking on BitCoin BTC
This is a pretty well made documentary on what BitCoin is, its history, current affairs and potential. Click the poster and open up more on You will learn what […]