I give in. I give up. I’ve for so long.. been ‘asked’ to do this. While the basice “Law of Attraction” is all about the Ask & it’s Given. The […]
table of consciousness
You AreI am and Your consciousnessMy consciousness coCreates Our Reality^^ Here’s a related questionnaire [ click open ]
The disinformation and the DarkOnes try to censor and discredit the whistleblowers and the people bringing dark into light. The third world war WW3 is a hidden war – though […]
up at 7AM
not because I have to but because I want to! As a contrast I have enjoyed going to a meeting early morning when it’s ruggish, dark, and in the rain. […]
when you loose it all
some of you have noticed that I was running kim.ikiloma.com I have spent hundreds of hours to automate one site says it all. Which means that I can in an […]