QHHT is an acronym for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy which is a technique developed by Dolores Cannon that reaches the deepest part of the brain while under hypnosis. During this […]
we create our own reality – Sadhguru
what the shift is going on..!!
this rabbit is heavy dark shit.. when you know you know when you don’t you don’t Here’s a video that is a confirmation for those who know and confusing for […]
heart and cardiovascular disease time to say; “no! no more..!!” Question: in which direction are you going? are you getting younger or.. sick & tired? Read more![ open ]
rEvolution of Mankind – opening the third eye
DMT ~ the Spirit Molecule ~ pineal gland Activating the third eye is not the same as visiting a ayahuasca ceremony nor smoking changa. Activating your multidimensional Self and connecting […]
attunement – Teal Swan
guest post and much appreciated – much of love Teal Swan<3 relationship and attunement
f**k this rant is hard core
funny thing is that I got a mix of the Mandel Effect and a deja vouz Matrix glitch while creating this post it’s at least to me a well spent […]
The Shift moves our current reality out of Entropy
I’ve been recently named; “the terminator“ I was told it was because of my.. “strong chin” ..jaw. But I come from the future. The other side of entropy. I’ve seen […]
the white rabbit
the cycle of Life – Death and suffering or Ascension
for +6,000 years we have been in what I call the *DarkAges* and we were enslaved by “Gods” and held against our own will in a “Matrix” where the veil, […]